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$.getJSON request for articles not working

I'm getting a bit confused about what I need to do here to retrieve my articles in scripts.js from /articles to display on my marker. I have done ample reading about AJAX and $.getJSON, but still ...
soonthoj's user avatar
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Been Trying to get Mashup To work

I've been trying to get my article's function to work in the mashup project but every time I use the test url I get an "Internal Server Error" my code is as bellow: @app.route("/articles") def ...
schapke's user avatar
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pset8 mashup How To Work With The JSON Object?

As the title says, I'm having troubles about how to work with the returned data from the /articles route. My question is about accessing key->value pairs of the JSON Object. When I manually search ...
Dement0's user avatar
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pset8 articles: Can I submit geo manually to articles?

Should I write code that takes the data out of the input field and attaches it as a query to the url or can I just write geo=whatever inside the url manually? I wouldn't know how to do it using code ...
Karin's user avatar
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pset8 mashup troubles

So I am having trouble understanding how json works my Json is not outputting any of of the articles through the infowindow does anyone here know what problems I am causing? Ill first show my code in ...
Roundabout's user avatar
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pset8 /articles retrieve only the onion rss feed

I implemented articles in Pset8. Everything seems ok except i only get articles from theonion and not from actual google news.Here's the code : def articles(): """Look up articles for ...
KolaRamyaSree's user avatar
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Key error articles() pset8

When I try to test my /articles route with the postal code 02138 (or any other code for that matter) I get something along the lines of this: KeyError: '02138' at line 43: cache = lookup(str(...
dumbitdownjr's user avatar
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My articles do not match with the staff articles

I implemented articles in, but the articles I get have nothing in common with the staff articles for the same Postal Code 02138 http:...
wingedRuslan's user avatar
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pset8 articles only get onion news

I thought I'd finished pset8 and was about to start on my final project when I realised that 'articles' was defaulting to onion news all the time, even when I used the test address. It's a while ...
CallyB's user avatar
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pset8 addMarker can't get articles

I'm struggling through the last pset! I managed to get the markers on the map, and got an info window working with just a placeholder in, (now removed) but now I'm stuck on getting the Ajax call for '...
CallyB's user avatar
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Can't get articles to show up on addMarker in pset8

I can't get the news articles to show up inside of the markers on mashup. I tried debugging with the console, but all I get is an error 500 from the articles function, although when I tested articles ...
Andre's user avatar
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pset8 (Mashup) - Getting the geo value into /articles

I'm a little lost in here. I'm starting in the first part (/articles) and I can't visualize in how to get it done because you need the postal_code from the user input in order to pass in this geo into ...
tadm123's user avatar
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