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link generate.c and helper.c

please help me understand what I'm missing... why I don't have any random numbers when I enter : ./generate 10 | ./find 10 (well that the same result I have when I entered ./generate 1000 50 | ./find ...
Genevie's user avatar
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generate doesn't work - find ps3

please help me find out what's wrong with the generate function because I the same result : Usage: ./generate n [s] even if I enter an argument or even change the code ? Here is the generate code : `#...
Genevie's user avatar
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Binary Search Pset 3 help

As my question is titled, I would appreciate help with my binary search, shown below. Currently, the search will always return false. I am almost certain that my sorting algorithm is correct, as it ...
Jason_V's user avatar
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Haystack not found

Hi can someone help me out the code "./generate 1000 50 | ./find 127" doesn't find the haystack. And I even removed the "./find 127" and went through the generated numbers but still didn't see the ...
Emmanuel's user avatar
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How to pipe PRNg into find.c debug GUI?

I searched through both GBD shorts, but couldn't figure out how the pseude-random numbers can be accessed from within, or piped into, the graphical debugger!? If it`s simply not possible, please let ...
Cathryne's user avatar