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Questions tagged [getstring]

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1 answer

get_string() C function not working

I just began CS50 and was trying to copy some of the examples done on the lecture video. I use opensuse tumbleweed(also a little new to it) and I had installed the cs50 c library just as the ...
christot20's user avatar
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get_string prints out special characters as prompt

Here's my code- #include <cs50.h> int main(void) { string x = get_string("hello"); } pretty simple, and I compile it with clang -lcs50 test.c -o hello no error generated, but ...
Nightmare247's user avatar
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During PSET 2: Substitution, I got an expected expression error for get_string. Please help

substitution.c:24:23: error: expected expression char* plaintext = get_string(); ^ /usr/include/cs50.h:109:53: note: expanded from macro 'get_string' #define get_string(...) ...
Shushank Chaudhary's user avatar
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3 answers

Week 1: get_int & get_string errors

Fro the files int.c and string.c, I copied the code from the lecture exactly, and was receiving errors, then modified the code according to suggestions online by adding #include <cs50.h>and I'm ...
Xia Liu's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a limit to get_string()

I am new to CS50 and teaching AP Comp Sci Principles for the first time this school year. One of my students asked it there was a limit to the amount of bits get_string() can store. I wasn't sure what ...
Kirsten Fournier's user avatar
3 votes
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Week 1 compiling String.c using clang instead of make

in week 1 as I understood : make= compile the file and name the compiled file with the same name. clang= compile the file with the default name. when I've used make it worked and when I used clang it ...
Yousef Gamal's user avatar
3 votes
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What does " 'GetString' is deprecated" mean? How do I fix it?

I have encountered a really confusing error that deals with the "GetString();" function. I tried to google what does this error message mean but haven't had any luck finding a solution. I don't think ...
Bryan99's user avatar
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1 answer

after running update50, get_string(); fails

I was working on Vigenère for pset2, when I was prompted to run update50. After the update completed, string = plaintext = get_string(); failed with the following error: vigenere.c:22:24: error: ...
rkstar nerd's user avatar
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Finding & printing character after space in string in C

I've been banging my head against a wall here for days, trying to print initials after user name input. The errors change continually and are many. I'm trying to name the string array 'name' then ...
Android1's user avatar
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week 1 string.c errors

I am going through week 1, and once I enter this: #include <cs50.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { string name = get_string(); ...
Gulce's user avatar
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1 answer

strcmp always returns 0, even with different strings. Week4

Working through the CS50 pages, I decided to do this locally on my Linux Mint computer (gcc --version gets me: gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4). At the start, I did not realize that cs50.c ...
number9's user avatar
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1 answer

How could you create a dynamic array of strings in C?[Beginner]

How do you create a dynamic array of strings? Like if I had this code printf("What are the names of your pets?"); what piece of code would I write to get multiple string answers from the user? (I'm ...
Matthew Ryan Hutter's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What's the C equivalent for "string input = GetString();"

I am trying to become less dependent on the cs50.h library. I have tried different combinations to replace this line string input = GetString(); but I can't get anything working. Compiler keeps ...
Lele's user avatar
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1 answer

GetString() & Dynamic Memory Allocation

I observed in a walkthrough video in Week 4 (structs-0, I believe) David mentions that any variable created with GetString() should be free()d after its usage, due to the fact that, I vaguely quote ...
Gabriel Doyle-Finch's user avatar
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Small question with how NULL works

this is just a small question on NULL. In the snippet below, why doesn't the do-while loop repeat when I don't enter anything for the string? #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #...
user10001's user avatar
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1 answer

Problem with Getstring

I don't know what is the problem here when Ι write make hello umerkhan951@ide50:~/workspace/new $ make hello clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror hello.c -lcs50 -lm -o hello hello.c:8:21: ...
Umer Khan's user avatar