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Questions tagged [killedbyserver]

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Pset6 Compiler returns 'Killed'

When I run my code through the compiler, it asks me for the credit card number. After I type in the number, there is a long pause after which the compiler returns 'Killed'. I looked this up online and ...
Prav Elan's user avatar
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pset3- find killed by server in check50

I am not sure why my code is causing the check50 to be 'killed by server' in 2 checks (below) all other checks work out correctly. :) :( doesn't find 42 in {39,40,41,43} \ killed by server :( ...
Iris Frenzy's user avatar
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pset3: Implementation of FIND is killed by server.

I am stuck at the implementation of FIND of cs50 pset3. I have completed my implementation of SEARCH and SORT in helpers.c, but when I run check50 I am being notified that the process has been killed ...
christian's user avatar
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pset4 recover check50 killed by server

I've made a program that outputs 50 viewable jpegs and names them 000.jpg through to 049.jpg but I am not passing check50, here's what the tests say: This is what valgrind returns: HEAP SUMMARY: ==...
Lewis's user avatar
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