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Check50. I need help with server.c, specifically with the parse function I guess. Thanks

I have just finished the 4 functions from Pset 6 (server.c). Well, everything works "fine". If I request /cat.html it returns HTTP/1.1 200 OK and if request cat.exe it returns the most famous server ...
user11236's user avatar
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Pset6 Web-server - Storing a char* at address of argument(parameter)

Pset6 Web-server... In Parse function, how do you store absolute-path at the address in abs_path? bool parse(char* line, char* abs_path, char* query) { char* absolute-path; // assume I've ...
Joshua van Niekerk's user avatar
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2 answers

Pset6 Server Parse Function

Currently working on Pset6 and I can't seem to get the parse function to work. I haven't fully implemented the function but requesting the home page should work. I was wondering if someone could help ...
Chris Shi's user avatar
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parse function in pset6

When using Check50 on server.c, I get this result: :) server.c exists :) server compiles :) HTTP/1.0 returns error code 505 :( Method of 'abcGET' returns error code 405 \ expected output, ...
Osman Zakir's user avatar
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Parse wont pass check50

for some reason my code isnt passing: :( Two spaces after GET returns error code & :( Two spaces before HTTP/1.1 returns error code I cant see what would cause that. A previous question indicates ...
Michael's user avatar
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Pset6: Errors with Check50

When I use check50 to check my parse function, I find that check50 fails multiple tests and that the terminal generates multiple errors. I am using strtok to separate the request line into different ...
SuperNovaCoder's user avatar
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pset6 server2 parse() strtok() NULL [solved]

This bug was first found here: pset6 server2 load() fseek() return -1 [SOLVED] I posted it here to distinguish it from that other bug. Check50: $ check50 2015.fall.pset6.server2 server.c :) server.c ...
alx - recommends codidact's user avatar
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1 answer

Pset6 Parse() - How to Approach

I've read the explanation and specification for parse, but I still do not know what I am supposed to do for parse. I've looked at other questions, but I am still confused about the objectives of parse....
SuperNovaCoder's user avatar
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Pset6 parse function gives error 400

I am working on pset6 and I am having a hard time in parse function. I consistently take Error 400, so if anyone can give me a direction where my mistake is hiding it will be great! Below I have my ...
dean.d's user avatar
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Pset 6 - Parse - Too dynamic?

So I've been working on pset6 for a while now, the hardest thing with it is that it is very hard to test (I use a test.c file to do that and lots of printf functions), and the whole code of server.c ...
Bubi's user avatar
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Server.c Non-existant file and cat.exe question

I'm almost done with parse function, but I get 301 Moved Permanently error in the above mentioned cases. I am aware that .exe is not present in our lookup function, but shouldn't we return NULL in ...
Lana's user avatar
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pset6 parse HTTP/1.1 error

I can't figure out why I have this error. Here is my code: bool parse(const char* line, char* abs_path, char* query) { char*...
Jon's user avatar
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1 answer

Pset6 server.c Error 403

server.c is giving error(403) inside transfer function (written by default) lookup function : const char* lookup(const char* path) { char* s=(char*)calloc(20,1); strcpy(s,""); char *...
Salil Jain's user avatar
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pset6; part 1; parse and load

I have already made a first part of this pset, but I have several problems that I can not resolve. My code pass almost all of the tests except these: :( Requesting cat.exe returns error code 501 ...
Slava's user avatar
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