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Questions tagged [parse]

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15 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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parse error: no such table

I'm currently on week 1 of cs50's SQL course, running into some issues with the exercise. Running the code from both the file and the terminal results in a no such table, despite me already ...
Bryant Rusli's user avatar
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Help with parse

I'm getting two errors with check 50 and am struggling to understand how to go about this. :( Requesting cat.exe returns error code 501 \ expected output, but not "HTTP/1.1 505 HTTP Version Not ...
Bobby's user avatar
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Parse wont pass check50

for some reason my code isnt passing: :( Two spaces after GET returns error code & :( Two spaces before HTTP/1.1 returns error code I cant see what would cause that. A previous question indicates ...
Michael's user avatar
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PSET 6 Server.c Parse Method

I am currently writing the parse method for pset6 server.c. I have rewritten it many times and I have never gotten it to work. I currently am getting 403 forbidden every time I try to run it. Here is ...
kpalmer's user avatar
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pset6 parse function fails "hello.php?" test

My code passes all but 1 test. This is the error: :( Requesting hello.php? returns 200, text/html, and correct output \ expected output, not an exit code of 0 Can you see what the problem is?? ...
LuNa's user avatar
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pset6 Parse - help with pointers

I am taking this course online. I do not have anyone to ask for help that knows anything about coding so I rely 100% on this discussion board (and the internet in general) for help. I am having ...
Flesheaters's user avatar
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Why might my parse return seg.fault to check50?

Below is my parse function in server.c pset6; The code is not fully commented yet, my bad; Nonetheless, why are all exit code 0 in check50, where is the loophole? Thank you. bool parse(const char* ...
Salva Tore's user avatar
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Pset6 Parse Errors in Check50

bool parse(const char* line, char* abs_path, char* query) { const char* sp1 = strchr(line, ' '); const char* sp2 = strrchr(line, ' '); const char* slash = "/"; const char* crlf = ...
Flesheaters's user avatar
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After implementing parse, should all checks be green?

I am working on pset6, after implementing parse(), we are instructed to use check50. check50 2015.fall.pset6.server1 server.c At this point, I haven't done any code for query, load() or indexes(). ...
Mohamed Ahmed's user avatar
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Problem with parse function

When i run Check50 (server1) , It shows me the following errors AFTER EDIT : :( HTTP/1.0 returns error code 505 \ expected output, but not "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Type:..." :( ...
Adeeb Twait's user avatar
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What should be stored in abs_path and query if this request line is passed to parse?

If my request line is- GET /hello.php?name=mike HTTP/1.1 What should be stored in abs_path and query fields? and if my request line is- GET /hello.html HTTP/1.1 then what should be stored in abs_path ...
Vinz.R's user avatar
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PSET6: Question with Mallocing char* for PARSE

I'm currently working on PSET6 and had a question for the parsing section. I decided to use strtok() and as a result, will need to malloc memory when creating new char*. How do i know how much memory ...
Bobby's user avatar
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Parse Function: Extra characters in string after using memcpy

My parse function works for the root directory, but for subsequent requests for, say, cat.jpg, the memcpy function seems to copy an extra \220 into both requesttarget and HTTPversion (so, for instance,...
Andrea Perry's user avatar
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pset6 redirect loop

I can't figure out what is wrong with my code, and I don't know where the issue is. I have tried to figure it out by putting printf calls everywhere, and it appears that my parse function works as ...
jiewpeng's user avatar
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Failed to parse caesar.c

I am doing problem set 2 and i am getting the error Failed to parse caesar.c. The code passes all steps in check50 but no matter how I reformat the lines I cannot get it to work. I don't want to ...
Paul McPherson's user avatar