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Questions tagged [phpmailer]

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1 answer

what is the username and passwrod when sending mail via phpmailer?

how do i know what is the password and username for phpmailer for pset7. i am using the off campus smtp server but everytime i try to send an email it gets rejected due to the need ...
user1646's user avatar
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Question about php mailer

suppose I have an email address [email protected] can I use this email address to send mails through the php mailer code where in the TODOs the password is the password of [email protected] and ...
Furrukh Jamal's user avatar
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"From address failed:[email protected]" error when sending email by phpMailer

I tried to send an email using php I managed smtp as "" After this setting I get no further, receiving the foloowing SMTP error From address failed:[email protected] I put $mail->...
mojtaba1's user avatar
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How do I send an email with php?

I want to do the email a link to reset the password for the extra feature although i'm not sure where to start. Looked around and This page has instructions for sending email through a localhost. ...
Stalris's user avatar
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2 answers

SMTP Error: Could not authenticate

Can't send an email. Not sure what is going wrong and haven't found an answer through google yet. $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $...
Stalris's user avatar
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1 answer

Extra feature to send receipts - PHP Mailer not connecting

I'm trying to add the feature to send "receipts" after buying and selling stocks. It seems to be very straightforward, I'm just using the code that David used in froshims, but I get the following ...
FranGoitia's user avatar
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PHPMailer with gmail

Hi im just trying to send an email using PHPMAiler and smtp server of gmail! I thought that it could have been easier! What have I written wrong? Did anyone also use PHPMAiler? Can anyone help me? &...
PHAM VU Anh Quan's user avatar
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PHPMailer library not found

I am trying to implement the phpmailer and I am stuck at the first step calling the PHPMailer library. I have tried multiple path variations, but can't figure out where the library is located, e.g.: ...
romain galoisy's user avatar
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1 answer

pset 7 e-mailed receipt values not being passed

I am trying to e-mail a receipt of the transaction listing the stock, number of shares and price bought/sold to my yahoo account through a line of html with php variable passed in at $mail->Body=" . . ...
ronga's user avatar
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