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Questions tagged [resize-less]

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Resize less fails when trying to resize small.bmp when n is not multiple of 4 or is 1(probably padding issue)

int oldHeight = bi.biHeight; int oldWidth = bi.biWidth; bi.biWidth *= n; bi.biHeight *= n; int padding = (4 - (bi.biWidth * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE)) % 4) % 4; bi.biSizeImage = ((sizeof(RGBTRIPLE) * bi....
Afonso's user avatar
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PSET 3: Color is messed up

I can't figure out how to fix the colors of large.bmp when I run it. It resizes correctly but the pixels are all messed up and don't look like the original. Someone help me? Please and thank you! // ...
Lyle Boc's user avatar
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debugger only check the first breakpoint then jump to the end of code

I have tried many times , the debugger can only check the first if statement and it can be step over in the first if statement. But When it finished the if statement, just jump to the end of code, ...
杨琳玲's user avatar
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resize.c write to array

I think i made a breakthrough in this one with the rewrite method but i need to know how to write the triple to the array i tried a couple of things but didn't work out here's my code : int main(int ...
ox0o's user avatar
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resize less help needed

i'm feeling so close to solve it but have some issues with the for loops i tried to debug it and see what's going on but yet there's some things i can't explain specifically with triple variable i'm ...
ox0o's user avatar
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pset3 resize (less) compiles but doesn't write into new file for factor != 1

I've been stuck with the pset3 for a long time now and can't figure out why my code isn't working; it compiles fine but doesn't produce an image except for the factor 1. Could someone point me in the ...
Ivo's user avatar
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pset4: resize (less comfortable)

I am receiving the below when I check Pset4: :) resize.c and bmp.h exist. :) resize.c compiles. :) doesn't resize small.bmp when n is 1 :( resizes small.bmp correctly when n is 2 Byte 22 of pixel ...
Leah Guecia's user avatar
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Invalid or Unsupported Image Format

When I run my code and try to open the image that it created, I receive the following error: "Invalid or unsupported image format." Can someone please help me understand why this is happening? I ...
dmz's user avatar
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