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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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PSET 5 (speller): I don't know why I receive an inaccurate count for words in dictionary

unsigned int size(void) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for(node *temp = table[i]; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next) { count++; } } ...
Pokojd's user avatar
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crack.c brute force - optimization needed!

I have written a recursive algorithm that should break the encryption, although to do so, it creates a file for each possible size of a string (8 is max). After it depletes the 1 size combos, it ...
MaxG's user avatar
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without changing the size the image is resized how ?

I haven't re-sized the new bitmap file but still i get an output which is same as large.bmp. I dont know how this work even if I haven't changed the size of image or the file
Sumit Bawri's user avatar
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bmp image has unsupported header size

my program runs but large.bmp can't be displayed with error as "bmp image has unsupported header size". Below the extract of my code that I think related to the error, please help see what's wrong ...
Hang Man's user avatar