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cs50x Ps7 Movies 10.sql

On the Pset page it says that the solution must have 3392 rows. I wrote two different solutions, both accepted by check50, with different number of rows. The first one gives 3389 lines: SELECT ...
Nicolò Tiraboschi's user avatar
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Pset7 (Movies) 12.sql: Table outputs 96 rows rather than 5 rows

I've been stuck on this for quite some time and did a lot of research on the AND operator in SQL, but no matter how many variations I try I cannot get my table to output just 6 rows, with each row ...
qwert9988's user avatar
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Pset7 Movies Q12: I don't get what's wrong

I can't figure out why my pset7 movies Q12 code isn't working. Can anyone tell me why? Here is my code: SELECT DISTINCT title FROM movies, stars, people WHERE movie_id IN (SELECT movie_id FROM stars ...
Miguel's user avatar
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PSET7 Movies Q8 - Why these queries return different results?

I'm working on pset7 movies problem of the CS50 course and I have a question regarding 8.sql, which asks to write a SQL query to list the names of all people who starred in Toy Story. To my ...
MADi's user avatar
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pset7/movies/13.sql: exclude Kevin Bacon from the resulting list

In pset7/movies, I want to dynamically exclude Kevin Bacon from the resulting list (e.g. not specifically mentioning his name with NOT or EXCEPT or copying and pasting code that calculates his ID, so ...
sceunazhel's user avatar
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PSET7 Movies Q9: Why is my number of rows generated different from what the assignment requires?

Here are the parameters for running a SQL query in the file 9.sql: In 9.sql, write a SQL query to list the names of all people who starred in a movie released in 2004, ordered by birth year. ...
Daniel Hering's user avatar