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1 answer

pset7 unknown column in where clause

This throws an error saying YHOO is an unknown column...I thought 'symbol' was the column name in this query? $id = 6; $symbol = "YHOO"; $shares_query = query("SELECT shares FROM portfolio WHERE id = ...
0 votes
2 answers

Pset7, is it using a different php version in 2017? Why do I see "$" when searching for help

Are we using a different version of Flask, SQLite or PHPliteadmin in 2017? Why are the codes i'm seeing in the web so different from mine..? Mainly, the $ sign, I've never used a single $.. Unless I'...
0 votes
1 answer

Printing from SQL in PHP

I am trying to print text I have placed into a MySql database. I have been able to insert into the database, but I don't know what to put to take out the value/text <?php require("../includes/...
1 vote
1 answer

C$50 Finance Pset7 - Buy.php not INSERTing shares correctly

My code for Buy.php. For some reason whenever I fill out both fields of shares and symbol correctly I get the apologize error that the data wasn't inserted into the table correctly. (I don't think I ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to make search.php return results that are more relevant

For pset8 in search.php, I cannot get relevant results to show up. I am using match () against () and I really want to only use this. The problem is, for example, when I type in Cincinnati, I get ...
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3 answers

Finance: Buy/Sell does not insert into MySQL history table

On pset7 and struggling with the history part. When I buy or sell a stock, it's reflected in the portfolio and the cash available is also updated. However, it does not seem to be affecting the ...