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Questions tagged [phpliteadmin]

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phpliteadmin refused to connect

I am having trouble opening phpliteadmin from the CS50 IDE. I keep getting the error message " refused to connect." I had similar problems with running flask directly from ...
DevonB's user avatar
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Opening phpLiteAdmin in cs50 IDE

I know this is a silly question, but how do you open phpLiteAdmin? I forgot the command for it while flask is running.
ssk4988's user avatar
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CS50's PHPLIteAdmin [duplicate]

I am currently working on my final project, and I need to create a database which contains a table with a FOREIGN KEY field. Unfortunately, I've constantly been getting errors. Upon Googling them, I ...
mathmagician's user avatar
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Pset7, is it using a different php version in 2017? Why do I see "$" when searching for help

Are we using a different version of Flask, SQLite or PHPliteadmin in 2017? Why are the codes i'm seeing in the web so different from mine..? Mainly, the $ sign, I've never used a single $.. Unless I'...
nvs0000's user avatar
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running phpliteadmin on local machine?

I'm trying to work on pset7 on my linux machine (I don't have the best internet connection and this results in cloud9 being slow and occasionally buggy). I've gotten almost everything installed and ...
FrenchTheLlama88's user avatar
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Pset 7, why does session["user_id"] not take a variable?

I am able to solve the "register" part of the question by doing this: session["user_id"] = db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username", username=request.form.get("username"))[0]["id"]...
nvs0000's user avatar
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pset7 - help, I broke my db!

Well, the instructions said to try & break your db to test it but I really did....I stupidly emptied all of my tables because I'd just finished the code and wanted to put in fresh entries now it ...
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