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CS50 AI - Tic-Tac-Toe AI not playing optimally

When AI plays as "X", it always wins the game, but when it plays as "O", then, it doesn't play optimally. Can't figure out the problem. I'm attaching the code for MinMax module ...
Sanu Raj's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make say command words disappear in scratch?

I'm working on my Week 0 assignment and I got my sprites to say stuff but the problem is I don't know how to make the stuff they say disappear after they've said it. I've tried the hide piece under ...
SuperZumo's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I write words and sentences in Binary?

Hi I want to know how do I write a word in Binary for example word "HI" is it like this 1001000(space)1001001 or is it like this 10010001001001 (without space in between H and I) as there are two ...
Mohd. Maseehuddin Siddiqui's user avatar
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1 answer

What are threads in C?

Please explain what threads are in C language! I'm referring to CS50 week 0 - shorts.
SANATAN HAZRA's user avatar
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Pset0 isn't under Week 0 but, Week 1. Bug? [duplicate]

The Problem Set 0 which was previously under Week 0 is now displaying under Week 1. Week 0 does not display any Problem Set, and the Problem Set of Week 1 shows under Week 2? Is this some kind of bug ...
Adivir's user avatar
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3 answers

Pseudocode example for counting people in the room

In the week0 lecture David gives the following as an example of pseudocode: let N=0, for each person in room, set N=N+1 He said this gets the value of 0 which proves that the algorithm is true. ...
Muhammad Salman's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

In "cough-4," is it better to define 3 functions or 1 function?

In the week 0 walkthrough "cough-4," Prof. Malan defined 3 functions. Instead we can define 1 - say word n times and when flag is clicked, say "cough" 3 times and then say "sneeze" 3 times! Is this ...
srawni's user avatar
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