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3 votes

What to do after the codespace has been deleted automatically?

Your code should still be in the code50 repo.If you go to you can create a new codespace and it will pull in the files. The codespace is simply the container, not like the old IDE ...
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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My code gives error RuntimeError: no such table: File_Name

This is a clear and unambiguous error message. The connected database ("File_Name" in ~/login directory) does not have a table named "File_Name". Did you perhaps create the table ...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
1 vote

could a cs50 staff member answer my question related to the final project ?

Yes, that's fine. As long as you're using the knowledge you gained in this course, you are free to use whatever language you want.
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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could a cs50 staff member answer my question related to the final project ?

While I'm not staff, I can tell you that the idea of the final project is to do some non-trivial project using any modern programming tools and environments. So, IMHO, yes, it's perfectly acceptable ...
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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Submiting Final Project

Yes, that's fine. You aren't required to submit your code if it's not developed in the IDE. Instead, you only need to submit a readme type file (and a video).
curiouskiwi's user avatar
  • 18.7k

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