What to do after the codespace has been deleted automatically?
Your code should still be in the code50 repo.If you go to GitHub.com/code50/ you can create a new codespace and it will pull in the files.
The codespace is simply the container, not like the old IDE ...
My code gives error RuntimeError: no such table: File_Name
This is a clear and unambiguous error message. The connected database ("File_Name" in ~/login directory) does not have a table named "File_Name".
Did you perhaps create the table ...
could a cs50 staff member answer my question related to the final project ?
Yes, that's fine. As long as you're using the knowledge you gained in this course, you are free to use whatever language you want.
could a cs50 staff member answer my question related to the final project ?
While I'm not staff, I can tell you that the idea of the final project is to do some non-trivial project using any modern programming tools and environments. So, IMHO, yes, it's perfectly acceptable ...
Submiting Final Project
Yes, that's fine. You aren't required to submit your code if it's not developed in the IDE. Instead, you only need to submit a readme type file (and a video).
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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