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5 votes

I hope CS50 community can help why I got expected exit code 0, not 1

Please have A look at my code, please upvote if helps,your code a kind of complicated. I tested with check50 as well, All Passed. def main(): fraction = input("Fraction: ") ...
souttawther's user avatar
1 vote

I hope CS50 community can help why I got expected exit code 0, not 1

@souttawther has a small fallacy in his answer, It does not take into consideration the case when y > x and prints None, which is wrong as per the problem description in the course website, ideally ...
helpme_pls's user avatar
1 vote

helpers.c still returning the wrong exit code?

Doesn't look like anything is working correctly. Unless n=0, the code will return false every time because the while loop will not execute. while(last<=first) There's also the issue that if the ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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