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check50 error on helpers.c in pset4

When doing math operations that could result in decimal point number, although the recieving variable is a decimal point capable, the math on the right side of the asign simbol'=', when working with ...
Tritum's user avatar
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CS50 filter issues with greyscale, sepia, and blur

When you divide the 3 colors by 3 you'll probably get a decimal point value. If you receive it in a 'int' variable you'll get a trimmed number. (the decimal part will be removed) The way to do it is ...
Tritum's user avatar
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pset4 filter greyscale error

The command is make filter There are two source files, filter.c and helpers.c. The executable is named filter.
Fuelled_By_Coffee's user avatar
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Two problems with pset4 in Grayscale and Sepia

If you look at the extended check50 results in the link at the end of the message, there are more clues to be found. For the greyscale issue, the last pixel in the 3x3 image is off by 1, to the high ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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check50 error on helpers.c in pset4

just make another loop for copying the pixel array to the image.
ashish khanka's user avatar
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Rounding Issue with Grayscale and Blur

You're very close on the gray-scale function. I'd recommend you walk through the line that calculates avg item by item keeping your order of operations in mind (PEMDAS). For your blur function you'...
Sean's user avatar
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Rounding Issue with Grayscale and Blur

I think my issue was I wasn't thinking every value used in a calculation had to be a float rather than the variable that stored the result? Having to first convert each pixel to a float variable ...
GFitzP's user avatar
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