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should I create a table for every user on buy, cs50 finance

I suggest creating a table, called, for example, transactions. In the table, there are columns: user_id, name of the company, quantity of shares, price of 1 share, date. In this way I will keep ...
wingedRuslan's user avatar
2 votes

Im badly struggling with the logic for caesar pset 2

plain[i] = plain[i+key]; I can see what you're trying to do here and you're on the right track, but there's a problem. Think about what the value between the square bracket means.
TheHuskyena's user avatar
1 vote

Else If Boolean Statements of Equality In the Case of Complex Numbers

That example doesn't say what data type x and y are, but generally you can assume that numerical variables are real numbers in programming, unless specified otherwise. There is a way to work with ...
Llenk's user avatar
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pset 4 resize (more confortable) pixel loss logic

The most basic version is copying/dropping pixels. This could be like diff = input_height/2 repeat input_height times diff += output_height read input line skip input padding while ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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Pset2, caesar: string characters not working with is alpha logic?

The problem is surely in the return value of the isalpha function and the value of true, for what the condition is true both values must be equal, which apparently does not happen, keep in mind that ...
MARS's user avatar
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Pset1(mario.less)- What is the logic behind my approach?

The main logic here is relation between spaces and height so that the highest number spaces is height - 1, I'd suggest using debug50 to see it step by step to understand more
Yasser Altamimi's user avatar
1 vote

Pset1(mario.less)- What is the logic behind my approach?

Your code looks good. I think you do understand. I would go try the more mario and see if you can make that work.
James Goldstein's user avatar

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