Hi I want to know how do I write a word in Binary for example word "HI" is it like this 1001000(space)1001001 or is it like this 10010001001001 (without space in between H and I) as there are two alphabets here in this word and also how to write sentences in Binary for example "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE SMITH" because there are spaces in between words

1 Answer 1


Each character is represented in ASCII. And each ASCII code can be represented in binary code. The space character is also represented in ASCII. So the sentence hello world would be 0110100001100101011011000110110001101111(00100000)0111011101101111011100100110110001100100. Since every character in ASCII is represented by 8-bits you don't have to specify delimiters. The bits in parentheses is the space character. You shouldn't use the parenthesis, I just added them for you! Paste it in this tool and you will see yourself: http://www.binaryhexconverter.com/binary-to-ascii-text-converter.


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