When I run check50 2014/x/pset1/greedy greedy.c my result is :

:) greedy.c exists
:) greedy.c compiles
:) input of 0.41 yields output of 4
:) input of 0.01 yields output of 1
:) input of 0.15 yields output of 2
:) input of 1.6 yields output of 7
:) input of 23 yields output of 92
:) input of 4.2 yields output of 18
:) rejects a negative input like -.1
:) rejects a non-numeric input of "foo"
:) rejects a non-numeric input of ""

but when I upload my code on Gradebook, in "My Grades" I see only 0 scores:

input of 0.41 yields output of 4                  0
input of 0.01 yields output of 1                  0
input of 0.15 yields output of 2                  0
input of 1.6 yields output of 7                   0
input of 23 yields output of 92                   0
input of 4.2 yields output of 18                  0
rejects a negative input like -.1                 0
rejects a non-numeric input of "foo"              0

How can I solve it?

  • Are you sure the version in your submission is the correct one? Did you upload hello, mario, and greedy all together as one submission?
    – curiouskiwi
    Commented Oct 1, 2014 at 9:16
  • greedy.c is correct, I've used line check50 2014/x/pset1/greedy greedy.c for testing. Firs I've uploaded hello, mario, and greedy all together in one time. - result - 0 for greedy. After upload only greedy,result the same..(
    – Nemo
    Commented Oct 1, 2014 at 9:20
  • I have the same 0 for pset1. Does it mean that it has not been checked yet?
    – user2477
    Commented Oct 1, 2014 at 10:35
  • I had my marks one day after upload the files. Are you sure that you have upload the files? Commented Oct 1, 2014 at 13:45
  • Yes , I'm sure. I've uploaded files a few times.
    – Nemo
    Commented Oct 1, 2014 at 14:57

2 Answers 2


Grades may take up to two weeks to appear. It is likely that your assignment was not yet checked. If you upload, wait two weeks. If you still do not have a grade, post on the reddit sub forum and Rob should be able to help you. http://www.reddit.com/r/cs50

  • In addition, make sure your most recent upload was complete, with all of the problems submitted together.
    – Air
    Commented Oct 1, 2014 at 17:06

Now all are correct. Solution: just wait some time :)

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