Getting an error on Check50 for Similarities, Pset6. When I run Check50 the log file states:
:( compiles
No module named 'numpy'
I'm using the numpy package for setting up the 2D matrix. My application works as it should be, there is no problem when compiling and running it and testing the similarities app manually. I have installed the numpy package by executing pip3 install numpy
from the command-line.
At the top of the file I import numpy by this line (I use only the empty function):
from numpy import empty
Is there anybody who uses the numpy package as well, and knows what to do to pass check50?
PS: I read the related question by Elvin Pang. Since I couldn't use numpy I asked CS50 heads if I should install it and they advised to do so by pip3 install numpy
after which my code worked.