My code has multiple errors, according to the Python interpreter. This is strange as I have simply ported, line to line, from C to Python. Can someone please help me to understand why my code is producing such errors? Thank you in advance.


#Returns company and validity of credit card number
from cs50 import get_int

def main():
    #Inputs positive credit card
    credit = 0
    while credit <= 0:
        credit = get_int("Credit card number: ")
    #Checks company of credit card
    companyname = company(credit)
    #Checks validity of credit card
    if (validity(credit) == 1):
        #Prints company
        #Prints invalidity

def validity(x):
    #Creates an array of ints to get every second digit doubled
    multiplied = []
    length = digits(x)
    #Gets second-last digit doubled
    copy = x / 10
    multiplied.append(copy % 10 * 2)
    for i in range(length / 2):
        #Gets every second digit doubled
        copy /= 100
        multiplied.append(copy % 10 * 2)
    #Adds the array's digits together
    halfsum = 0
    for m in range(length / 2):
        l = multiplied[m]
        for j in range(digits(multiplied[m])):
            k = l % 10
            l /= 10
            halfsum += k
    summed = halfsum
    #Adds digits that were not multiplied together
    notmult = x % 10
    copy = x
    for n in range (length):
        copy /= 100
        notmult += copy % 10
    summed += notmult
    #Checks if last digit is 0
    if summed % 10 == 0:
        return 1
        return 0
    return 0

#Returns company of a credit card number
def company(x):
    #Finds length of CC number
    length = digits(x)
    #Checks if CC is AMEX
    if length == 15:
        copy = x
        while copy >= 100:
            copy /= 10
        if copy == 34 or copy == 37:
            final = "AMEX"
            final = "INVALID"
    #Checks if CC is VISA
    elif length == 13:
        copy = x
        while copy >= 10:
            copy /= 10
        if copy == 4:
            final = "VISA"
            final = "INVALID"
    #Checks if CC is MasterCard or VISA
    elif length == 16:
        copy = x
        cop = x
        while copy >= 100:
            copy /= 10
        while (cop >= 10):
            cop /= 10
        if copy == 51 or copy == 52 or copy == 53 or copy == 54 or copy == 55:
            final = "MASTERCARD";
        elif cop == 4:
            final = "VISA"
            final = "INVALID"
    #Determines invalid if none other is true
        final = "INVALID"
    #Returns answer
    return final

#Returns how many digits there are in a number
def digits(x):
    digits = 0
    copy = x
    #Keeps dividing and counting until number is 0
    while copy != 0:
        copy /= 10
        digits += 1
    #Returns 1 if number originally was 0
    if x == 0:
        digits += 1
    #Returns final answer
    return digits

if __name__ == "__main__":


    Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "credit.py", line 111, in <module>
  File "credit.py", line 12, in main
    if (validity(credit) == 1):
  File "credit.py", line 26, in validity
    for i in range(length / 2):
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

1 Answer 1


Python 3 separated integer division // and floating point division / operators. You probably want to use the former (note that it truncates the result, so you might have to use (length + 1) // 2 for rounding up). Oh, and there's //= operator, too.

Something about the nested loops makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't understand them, or why one would want nested loops on that one. Maybe you can explain them, though.


if copy == 51 or copy == 52 or copy == 53 or copy == 54 or copy == 55:

can be expressed as

if copy in [51, 52, 53, 54, 55]:


if 51 <= copy <= 55:

(note that the last one is special to Python and won't work in C, though it does not give a compile error, just unexpected results)


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