So, i just finished the continued lecture on week 5, and then I was going to make the pset 5, but I noticed that it is on Week 7 page, and I noticed that there is no week 6 page, is that normal? Or should I wait until its fixed?
2 Answers
Week 6 was the class midterm exam and holiday week so there were no classes; so just move on to Week 7. Pset5 is assigned in Week 7; pset6 in Week 8; pset7 in Week 9; pset8 in Week 10. There is no Week 11 (another holiday week) so the Final Project is assigned in Week 12.
Yes. pset5 information is covered in the Week 7 lectures. I edited my answer to add more details.– curiouskiwi ♦Commented Jun 24, 2014 at 20:43