I'm trying to change the blue in clue.c. Right now, I made all the red into white, but i'm confused why my code doesn't change the remaining into black? Here's what i have. I'm trying to say, if it's not a white pixel, change it to black.
if(triple.rgbtRed == 0xff){
triple.rgbtBlue = 0xff;
triple.rgbtGreen = 0xff;
if(triple.rgbtBlue != 0xff && triple.rgbtRed!= 0xff && triple.rgbtGreen != 0xff){
triple.rgbtBlue = 0x00;
triple.rgbtGreen = 0x00;
triple.rgbtRed = 0x00;
Also, for the very beginning of the program, why do we need to remember the file names with char* infile = argv[1]; char* outfile = argv[2];. Can't we just use argv[1] and argv[2] in place of all of them?