I've successfully managed to remove the red pixels and now I want to enhance the other pixels, so that the message is more clear.
The way I am try to do is the the following:
If the pixel is red I convert into white (if statement)
Else if the pixel is not white (if it's neither red nor white, it has some other color), I try to convert the pixel into pure blue.
For some reason the else if statement doesn't work and I can't get why.
if (triple.rgbtBlue == 0x00 && triple.rgbtGreen == 0x00 &&
triple.rgbtRed == 0xff)
triple.rgbtBlue = 0xff;
triple.rgbtGreen = 0xff;
else if (triple.rgbtBlue != 0xff && triple.rgbtGreen != 0xff &&
triple.rgbtRed != 0xff)
triple.rgbtBlue = 0xff;
triple.rgbtGreen = 0x00;
triple.rgbtRed = 0x00;