I made my game on scratch but I'm having a few problems. One of them if that I couldn't make work the pause/play by pressing P.

Also, I think the ball is not bouncing as it should when hitting the spaceships/paddle.

This is the link to my game https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/149194892/

Thank you!

  • How do you think the ball should bounce when it hits the spaceships/paddle? What do you want the ball to do when it hits the spaceships/paddle? Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 13:30
  • Not sure, I think it doesn't have a "natural" bouncing. Like if it hits the paddle while I'm noving the paddle, it should bounce towards the direction I was moving it, or something like that, so the ball would move more naturally.
    – mws
    Commented Mar 21, 2017 at 5:17
  • When you click to show the variable "play/pause", it shows that the variable is indeed working - it switches from play to pause and back again every time you click "p". However, nothing happens when you hit "p". That's because you haven't implemented anything - the ball simply keeps going and the game moves on. What if you replace the "if" statement in the "forever" loop with an "if/else" statement? You could then implement a "pause" screen that needs the player to hit a button ("p") in order to go back to the game. Commented Mar 21, 2017 at 11:57
  • Thank you SuperNovaCenter! I did what you said (put an if in the forever loop of the ball) and the play/pause works now!!! I'm so happy! Oh and thank you for the compliment, I'm not at all skilled in Scratch, just a begginer, this is my first project there, for pset0. Thank you again!
    – mws
    Commented Mar 22, 2017 at 19:24

1 Answer 1


When you click to show the variable "play/pause", it shows that the variable is indeed working - it switches from play to pause and back again every time you click "p". However, nothing happens when you hit "p". That's because you haven't implemented anything - the ball simply keeps going and the game moves on. What if you replace the if statement in the forever loop with an if/else statement? You could then implement a "pause" screen that needs the player to hit a button ("p") in order to go back to the game.

Comment below if you have any more issues.

  • 1
    Yes, I'm still figuring out how to do the pause screen :). Thank you!
    – mws
    Commented Mar 24, 2017 at 18:20
  • I'm glad I was able to help you. I thought you might want to know that I retested your game and found that your play/pause now works! Congratulations on that! Commented Mar 25, 2017 at 0:59

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