When I run check50 2014/x/pset1/greedy greedy.c
my result is :
:) greedy.c exists
:) greedy.c compiles
:) input of 0.41 yields output of 4
:) input of 0.01 yields output of 1
:) input of 0.15 yields output of 2
:) input of 1.6 yields output of 7
:) input of 23 yields output of 92
:) input of 4.2 yields output of 18
:) rejects a negative input like -.1
:) rejects a non-numeric input of "foo"
:) rejects a non-numeric input of ""
but when I upload my code on Gradebook, in "My Grades" I see only 0 scores:
greedy input of 0.41 yields output of 4 0 input of 0.01 yields output of 1 0 input of 0.15 yields output of 2 0 input of 1.6 yields output of 7 0 input of 23 yields output of 92 0 input of 4.2 yields output of 18 0 rejects a negative input like -.1 0 rejects a non-numeric input of "foo" 0
How can I solve it?