Below is my code for pset6 of CS50, in which the user is prompted for an amount of change in the form of a float, which is converted into cents (e.g. 1.25->125), and the fewest coins needed to make change are determined and returned. When I run it, "Change owed: " works, but after a value is inputted nothing happens and the code doesn't end, there's just a blank line... I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
from cs50 import get_float
#prompt user for change owed
while True:
x = get_float("Change owed: ")
if x >= 0:
#convert to only cents
x = round(x * 100)
count = 0
#always use largest coin possible (quarter->dimes->nickels->pennies), keep track of coins used
while x >= 0:
if x >= 25:
x -= 25
count += 1
elif x >= 10:
x -= 10
count += 1
elif x >= 5:
x -= 5
count += 1
elif x >= 1:
x -= 1
count += 1
#print number of coins used