I tried two different variations but both reach 96% completeness
code 1:
from cs50 import get_int
while True:
height = get_int("Height: ")
if height < 9 and height > 0:
for rows in range(height):
num_hashes = rows + 1
num_spaces = height - rows - 1
print(" " * num_spaces, end = "")
print("#" * num_hashes, end = "")
print(" ", end = "")
print("#" * num_hashes, end = "")
code 2:
from cs50 import get_int
while True:
height = get_int("Height: ")
if height < 9 and height > 0:
for rows in range(height):
for space in range(height - rows - 1):
print(" ", end = "")
for block in range(rows + 1):
print("#", end = "")
print(" ", end = "")
for block in range(rows + 1):
print("#", end = "")