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How do I turn debug mode ON in flask?

I have tried export FLASK_ENV=development then adding app.config['DEBUG'] = True to my program but i keep getting * Serving Flask app "" (lazy loading) * Environment: development * ...
Ryan Hinchliffe's user avatar
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PSET 7 - Finance -

I was wondering if somehow could help me understand the following snippet of code from the pset distribution code: # Ensure responses aren't cached @app.after_request def after_request(response): ...
Pittsford.N's user avatar
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please help ! till yesterday my app was working almost fine but today its not even starting ! can someone pls explain this to me?

flask.cli.NoAppException: Failed to find application in module "application". Are you sure it contains a Flask application? Maybe you wrapped it in a WSGI middleware or you are using a factory ...
user21692's user avatar
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Pset 7 - Finance: Clicking Register creates: AttributeError: 'ValueError'

I've been trying to get my register page to work for a couple days now. I think I'm close , but now I'm receiving the following error message in my terminal when I try to click register from the login ...
aherzfeld's user avatar
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Pset7 - Finance (register function) - creating internal server error

I've been trying to figure out the register function for some time now, but I just can't get it to work. I'm also receiving an invalid syntax error for the last line of the function: return redirect(...
aherzfeld's user avatar
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Check50 returning error pset7 register

I get this error in register in pset7/finance when I run check50: :) exists :) application starts up :) register page has all required elements :( registering user succeeds expected ...
toyotasupra's user avatar
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expected 400 but got 200 OK?

I have implemented Pset-7 (Finance) but check50 shows an error called expected 400 but got 200 in all my apology pages and it is being rejected by check50. Since it successfuly landed to apology page, ...
R. Gurung's user avatar
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Pset7 Finance, Sell problem with POST requests

My problem is that I'm not getting any value back from my select form. I pass a list of stocks to the jinja template via return render_template("sell.html", stocks=stocks) and on the sell.html page I ...
MVierma's user avatar
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[pset7][Finance-SELL] bootsrap select list to accept symbol(from jinja2 Template) and pass it on to the flask

I was able to create a select list using bootstrap for my 'sell.html': <div class="form-group"> <select class="form-control","input-group" id="sel1" autocomplete="off" autofocus name="...
shaistha's user avatar
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Where is session file and where is company's name in csv file?

I have spent three days on learning the code in pset7 but i still have few questions. 1) In here: # configure session to use filesystem (instead of signed cookies) app.config["SESSION_FILE_DIR"] = ...
Ruslan Plastun's user avatar
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What is cache and how could you stop it?

In pset7 code in there is this snippet of code: if app.config["DEBUG"]: @app.after_request def after_request(response): help(response.headers) response.headers["...
Ruslan Plastun's user avatar
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pset 7 [buy] Unable to render user's cash

I've spent a lot of time trying to solve this problem and can't seem to find were I went wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated. I am unable to render the user's cash balance on the index. def ...
Salamit's user avatar
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How to pre-populate sell() and buy() forms from index - Pset7

I'd like to allow users to buy and sell shares they already own from the index page. I've created a button for this on the index, and I simply want to send the user to the /buy.html or /sell.html page ...
Matt Friend's user avatar
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C$50 PSET7 Flask blank form question

I am attempting to implement quote, buy and sell on the same page, called trade. I believe it would be a more user friendly way of doing things and good experience. However, I am having trouble ...
Sameer Malik's user avatar
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PSET7 C$50 Flask flashing message categories

I'm in the early stages of pset7. On register, I'm looking to implement flashing messages instead of having the apology redirects, since they look and act more userfriendly. I understand that flash ...
Sameer Malik's user avatar
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Pset7, Index: How to use loops in Python and Jinja?

I felt like I could understand the for loops great in c, but seem to be hitting a wall here. Some generic conceptual questions before i get into it: 1) ANSWERED. what sequence does the program run, ...
nvs0000's user avatar
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Pset7, Index, why does it not show other stocks i own?

I'm trying to get all stocks to just show up on my index screen, but can't seem to get my head around the jinja template + Python + SQL commands. Can someone tell me why is it that only my last ...
nvs0000's user avatar
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Pset 7: Passing basic values between from python to HTML print

I've been trying to pass in some very basic python values into HTML placeholders {{ }}, which ZYMAYLA has mentioned here. I'm doing what she has mentioned but there it doesn't go through, even for ...
nvs0000's user avatar
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Pset 7, why does session["user_id"] not take a variable?

I am able to solve the "register" part of the question by doing this: session["user_id"] = db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username", username=request.form.get("username"))[0]["id"]...
nvs0000's user avatar
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Using jinja to render template based on previous url - pset7 finance

For the finance website homepage, I want to render index.html differently based on the previous url. For example, if I logged in I want to render a panel saying 'logged in', but if I registered I want ...
user34304's user avatar
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Rectify implementation of register function in pset7 - finance (Flask)

def register(): """Register user.""" if request.method == "POST": if not request.form.get("username"): return apology("must provide username") elif not request....
user34304's user avatar
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Pset7 'No application seems to be running here'

I've been on and off, coding away at CS50 projects for some years now and I was really excited seeing the course moving away from PHP and into the elegant Python. Now, I want to recreate C$50 Finance ...
MrBobJamesBob's user avatar
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PSet 7: Issues with flask table output - hint needed

I am trying to produce table headings using loop in flash but I get new lines after each: {% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %} Portfolio overview {% endblock %} {% block main %} {% ...
idol2k's user avatar
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cs50 finance / pset-7 confused on index() table

I am trying to work on pset7, but am having a problem printing it out to the screen in the table format. I have all the values I need (the values I have are correct), but just can't figure out how to ...
Chris Koro's user avatar
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pset7: CS50 Finance, ide and flask say syntax is incorrect what am I doing wrong that I don't see?

In the "buy" function of, no matter what I type, the CS50 IDE and flask both say I have a syntax error in my program. I don't see it and have tried removing parts, checked the syntax ...
Donald Jones's user avatar