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7 votes

CS50 IDE undefined reference to `get_int'

On which version of the workspace are you? The current version as of 2017-11-13 is v125. If update50 doesn't end in an error message, you probably are at that version. Also, how do you compile? The ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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5 votes

In the CS50 IDE is there a way to change all the names of one variable at once?

"Find"->"Replace" (or the corresponding Ctrl+H or Alt+Shift+F) would come close, performing simple text replacement. It has modes for matching whole words only, or using regular expressions.
Blauelf's user avatar
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4 votes

Does anyone know how to use Django on CS50 IDE?

Type python runserver and start the server. Then click the web server option in the IDE. After going to the site, remove the -beta from the url and press enter. It will show ...
Vsjain's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I restore or repair my broken CS50 IDE?

That's what the executable looks like to a text editor. You opened water not water.c. (The compile "problem" is because it is in the wrong directory, workspace instead of workspace/pset1.
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
3 votes

How do I save programs as files and not directories?

I managed to duplicate this. When the save dialog is opened, there is an entry box at the top for the filename and one at the bottom for the directory name. (In windows, that would be the location of ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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2 votes

How does one compile Java on the CS50 IDE?

Nevermind, I figured it out. I'll say it here just for future reference. javac java filename from
Sean Cheng's user avatar
2 votes

Can I reset all my progress for Week 2 in cs50 IDE?

A simple restart of the container instance via CS50 IDE > Restart (the top left corner menu) should in theory revert all files and changes except on /home/ubuntu. If do do wish to delete all files ...
Ashen Gunaratne's user avatar
2 votes

Problem with cs50 python module - folder restricted

I had the same problem as you describe in your post. As @Rushil mentioned in his comment, it can be sorted by renaming the file you have named "" in your directory. Seems there is a conflict ...
flymats's user avatar
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1 vote

What to do to solve while making Tideman.c file? Each time I enter "make + Tideman.c" followed by yes, the terminal prints "y" forever

for starters, it's "make tideman", without the ".c"
Cliff B's user avatar
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pset4 CS50 IDE broken when opened card.raw

The IDE isn't able to recognize the card.raw file as something that can be opened as any particular file type. When I double-click on it, the IDE hangs, as you experienced. My browser didn't crash (...
Cliff B's user avatar
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1 vote

debug50 error in online IDE: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'

closing and re-opening the tab solved the issue.
001snake's user avatar
1 vote

are we supposed to use the set from hello.c to begin with Mario (less comfortable) or do we need a new terminal and file?

It's a new program. Start with a new file. You're done with hello.c, but feel free to look at it for any ideas on how to do anything you've done in the past. These instructions are guiding you through ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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are we supposed to use the set from hello.c to begin with Mario (less comfortable) or do we need a new terminal and file?

You don't have to create a new terminal window, but you should only start mario if you're finished with hello. If you're in the hello directory, on your terminal, execute: cd, cd pset1, mkdir mario, ...
mkg15's user avatar
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1 vote

Mario problem in IDE

The code is fine. It must be a bug with clang or aws. Try compiling it again.
IrishBumfuzzle's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot Compile Due to Error in cs50.h

The function signature has changed. From the CS50 Programmer's Manual char *get_string (const char *format, ...); DESCRIPTION Prompts user for a line of text from standard input and ...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
1 vote

"'werkzeug.contrib.cache' is deprecated" error when running Flask

Not having seen the rest of your code, I'm going to assume you have something like this: # Configure CS50 Library to use SQLite database db = SQL("sqlite:///database.db") near the ...
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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New IDE won't alow me to check staff solutions

We're in the process of updating the specs for the new IDE. Try ~cs50/2019/x/pset4/speller dictionaries/large texts/lalaland.txt
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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How to collaborate on the IDE

After sharing your workspace with someone, they need to go to the email that was sent and click the link given to them. At that point, they will have the access you gave them and will be able to see (...
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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1 vote

how to use check50 on mario pset1?

It is explained in the Check50 section of the spec.
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
1 vote

CS50 IDE debugger, where is it?

The IDE has changed since some videos were made. debug50 is the new debugger tool that was introduced in the fall. There is also a section on debug50 in the week2 lecture at around 22 minutes.
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar

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