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pset4: resize.c - why is biWidth written as bi.biWidth

Welcome to the wonderful world of structures! ;-) A structure, or a struct, is a collection of individual vars combined into a group. The group has a variable name, and each element in the struct has ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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5 votes

pset4 resize.c negation of 12 cannot be represented in type unsigned long

fseek() accepts a long int as the second parameter and via arithmetic conversion you're passing unsigned long as a second argument. Cast it to long int by inserting (long int) right after the minus ...
Yuri Laguardia's user avatar
5 votes

Memory leak in Pset4

Actually, your apparent problem is that you are running valgrind against a different executable binary, also called resize. ~/workspace/ $ which resize /usr/bin/resize ~/workspace/ $ whatis resize ...
hotwebmatter's user avatar
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4 votes

pset4 runtime error: unsigned integer overflow

You are subtracting from bi.biWidth on line 125. Since bi.biWidth is an unsigned long, it cannot contain negative values (-1 and so on), instead it's capacity to store positive values is doubled. So ...
Martin Kleiven's user avatar
4 votes

Pset4 Resize.c Array Overstepping

After edit: For reference, here is the pseudocode from the walkthrough: for each row       for each pixel          ...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
4 votes


I'm assuming that you are asking why the typedef in bmp.h works. If not, please clarify your question, and I'll update the answer. In bmp.h: typedef struct { WORD bfType; DWORD bfSize; ...
robert_x44's user avatar
3 votes

Error in my pset4 resize.c code

The width of your image is 3. When you use that minus sign here fseek(inptr, -bi.biWidth * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE), SEEK_CUR); , it becomes -3. But before the multiplication takes place, C rules of ...
Yuri Laguardia's user avatar
3 votes

in pset4, resize: How does the structs declared in 'bmp.h' know which bytes to get the data from?

How does the structs declared in 'bmp.h' know which bytes to get the data from? The resize program works with the BMP file format which has a few characteristics which need to be altered, namely ...
Tarmyniatur's user avatar
3 votes

Choosing pixels in resize (More)

I'm dealing with that at the moment, and as far as I can tell the form is newArray[i] = oldArray[(int)floor(i / factor)] Then, if factor = 0.5 floor(0/0.5) = 0 /* newArray[0] = oldArray[0] */ floor(...
bluesmonk's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

PSET4 resize (less) check50 error

Well, your description is sort of right. The image size is incorrect. When I ran the code, the headers are fine. The problem is that the image data that's being generated is too large by roughly ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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3 votes

I can't figure out the problem in my resize (more) code

That line seems to be the culprit: for (int i = 0; i < f * outbi.biHeight; i++) Would have to use abs(outbi.biHeight) or equivalently (int) (f * HeightIn), not f * outbi.biHeight. The line fseek(...
Blauelf's user avatar
  • 21k
2 votes

getting runtime error: unsigned integer overflow

About the overflow, read this: Error in my pset4 resize.c code Apart from that, what's happening is that you're copying the headers to bi and bf, but you're not copying those headers also to bfNew ...
Yuri Laguardia's user avatar
2 votes

Pset4 8x8 smiley only showing 7x7

I realise that this question is over a year old, however other people may still be having the issue so thought I would answer. I have had exactly the same issue - for me, the problem was caused by ...
SumatranHamster's user avatar
2 votes

Odd IDE behavior during pset4

The problem lies early in your code: if (argc != 4 || !isdigit(argv[1])) The isdigit() function is designed to check whether a single character is a digit, not a string. This code is trying to ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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2 votes

pset4/resize. problem with resize code and i don't know what to do

Well, you seem to be almost there, so I won't review all of your code, just give you some pointers: The first and most crucial tip is that you need to pass fseek() the number of BYTES as the second ...
Yuri Laguardia's user avatar
2 votes

in pset4, resize: How does the structs declared in 'bmp.h' know which bytes to get the data from?

fread does really tell the computer where to start getting the data: // read infile's BITMAPFILEHEADER BITMAPFILEHEADER bf; fread(&bf, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, inptr); // read infile's ...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
2 votes

ps4 resize error

I see three issues with your code. The good news is that you're pretty much on target. Two of the problems are related to the backwards fseek near the end of the for loops. The fseek backwards ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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2 votes

pset4 resize file header question

*= and += (same for many other operators) are combined assignment operators. a += b is like a = a + b, a *= b is like a = a * b, and so on. In the line newbi.biWidth = bi.biWidth *= n; you also use ...
Blauelf's user avatar
  • 21k
2 votes

Problem with horizontal resizing Pset4 resize

fwrite(&triple, sizeof(RGBTRIPLE), n, outptr); will write a chunk of memory containing n pixels, while you need to write the very same triple, n times. You'll have to use another loop for that.
Blauelf's user avatar
  • 21k
2 votes

Having trouble with PSet4 resize problem

Two issues I think I see are: 1) You change the value of BiWidth to BiWidth = BiWidth * scale (and same for BiHeight) for use in changing the header values but then you use those updated values in the ...
Hoya Coder's user avatar
2 votes

resize.c unsupported format or invalid image error

bmp starts with BITMAPFILEHEADER, then BITMAPINFOHEADER. You read in reverse order.
obesman's user avatar
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2 votes

Issue with padding when horizontally resizing. (pset4, resize (less))

It seems that every second question about resize(less) is about the same mistake: People first multiply bi.biWidth and bi.biHeight by n and than iterate in infile over new width and height, while it ...
obesman's user avatar
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2 votes

fread() and fwrite() problem

The third element, nmemb, is the number of elements to write, not the number of times to write the same element. Say that argv[1] is 5. This code, fwrite(&triple, sizeof(RGBTriple), atoi(argv[1])...
Cliff B's user avatar
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2 votes

Resize(less comfortable)

It works for increase = 1, but not for anything larger. There are two problems there. First, the header isn't being processed correctly. Certain header values have to be calculated from numerous ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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2 votes

Resize Invalid Image Format

There is a significant flaw in the code. The header vars are changed (probably correctly) but then stored in the original headers for the input file, bi, bf. Then the output file headers are written ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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2 votes

Could someone please tell me where I'm going wrong here in resize-less(pset4)?

There are two major issue. First, the code is using biWidth and biHeight for the output file to control reading from the input file. Second, there's no actual code to handle vertical scaling. ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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2 votes

Invalid or Unsupported Image Format (Recover)

Your calculation for bi.biSizeImage is wrong. The number of bytes per line is bi.biWidth * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE) + outputPadding, and there are abs(bi.biHeight) lines.
Blauelf's user avatar
  • 21k
2 votes

PSET 4 - resize.c less

You're on the right track, and oh, so close! So tell me, when you're repositioning the pointer in the input file to reprocess a line, which padding value should you use? If this answers your ...
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
2 votes

Problem Set 3 (Resize) Help

Not exactly clear what you're asking in your first question, but I know what you should be asking, so here goes. ;-) The file can't simply be multiplied by some scaling factor. Each line of pixels (...
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
2 votes

Pset 3: Resize gives me green vertical strip and black vertical strip

Error is with this code: // write RGB triple to array n times for (int l = 0; l < n; l++) { scanlinearray[l] = triple; } This will ...
Blauelf's user avatar
  • 21k

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