Lab9 -- Buttons to delete DB entries don't work
One problem is the html sends person.id as a list ( value="{{ [person.id] }}) so it will never find a match in the db.
Once that is fixed another problem will be discovered: it will not add ...
The Ajax introduced on lecture and in the Shorts Video are very different: will be helpful to know why?
Thanks for the question. That short is no longer relevant to the lecture so we've removed it.
my ajax code doesn't seem to be working
There are typos on lines 13 and 15 of ajax.js. 13 should have a # before invdiv, 15 should be ; terminated. It would also be wise to use a snippet for the code inserts as per the video instead of a &...
why does "world" not show up when did not enter name in the form?
From the python docs:
get(key[, default])
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default. If default is not given, it defaults to None, so that this method never raises a KeyError....
Finance pset, cs50's SQL INSERT statements results in runtime error
schema does not, in fact, have a table named user. Typo in the create statements.
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