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2 votes

pset8 - finance - check - ajax - preventDefault()

You have to stop the submission now (in the submit event listener), and in case of success submit in the AJAX callback. Submitting via JavaScript will not trigger another submit event.
Blauelf's user avatar
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2 votes

Access just the text from a db.execute return

Much like you would have seen in the CS50 Finance, db.execute returns a list of dict objects. So just as you accessed the cash value for your index page using rows[0]['cash'] you need to access your ...
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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1 vote

The Ajax introduced on lecture and in the Shorts Video are very different: will be helpful to know why?

Thanks for the question. That short is no longer relevant to the lecture so we've removed it.
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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my ajax code doesn't seem to be working

There are typos on lines 13 and 15 of ajax.js. 13 should have a # before invdiv, 15 should be ; terminated. It would also be wise to use a snippet for the code inserts as per the video instead of a &...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
1 vote

Problem in using API link in fetch command for AJAX

You want to check out the documentation for that api. It can be found here. According to the documentation, after you get your API Key, you add it to the url as a parameter as such: https://api....
bon_homie's user avatar
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