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6 votes

CS50w 2020 project3: mail does not show new sent mail after sending

This is probably not relevant to you anymore, but I had the same bug, and stumbled upon this question when googling, so it might help other people with this bug. So you're calling load_mailbox('sent') ...
ckruf96's user avatar
  • 61
2 votes

cs50web switch from submit50 to me50?

You're correct that the submission process changed in late July. All of your old submissions can be seen here: and new submissions here: Both groups of ...
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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1 vote

Problem in using API link in fetch command for AJAX

You want to check out the documentation for that api. It can be found here. According to the documentation, after you get your API Key, you add it to the url as a parameter as such: https://api....
bon_homie's user avatar
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CS50W Project 2 Commerce - Missing Button

At least one problem is the <select> element is not closed (ie </select>). Consider validating the html as with Nu HTML Checker. An easy way is right-click on the page and "View ...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
1 vote

Big blunder while submitting CS50W Project 0

Let's try to sort this out. It sounds like you created the new branch from your final project branch, which would have copied those files to it. You should be able to clone the web50/projects/2020/x/...
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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1 vote

Header links won't align to the right (P2)

I'm not familiar with align-items (and, like a lot of CSS, it makes my head itch). And the Examples on the MDN doc page don't show any difference among 'center', 'right' and 'left'. I do know that ...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
1 vote

Can I just copy the Google source code to get a head start? (P1)

Well, the HTML and CSS you will find by viewing the source code might be a bit difficult to search through to find the useful bits because of the sheer complexity of it all, but if you can, you are ...
AS-Nath's user avatar
  • 19
1 vote

Can I just copy the Google source code to get a head start? (P1)

You can view the google html/css but you should not copy it directly.
curiouskiwi's user avatar
  • 18.7k
1 vote

Instance of 'scoped_session' has no 'execute' member

When I run the code this error has occurred.
Shahbaaz's user avatar
1 vote

CS50w Project1: Trouble posting reviews (Row Proxy error - how to ensure a tuple)

In case anyone has this problem in the future: The big problem was fixed by ..."user_id": currentuser[0]}) where currentuser=session["user_id"] There were a handful of smaller problems after that, ...
azb1297's user avatar
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1 vote

CS50W Project1: Type error cannot pickle _thread._local object

My assumption is you are not using CS50's SQL class. Therefore, this db.execute("INSERT INTO users (username, hash) VALUES (:username, :hash)", {"username": username1, "hash": hashedpass}) does not ...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar

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