I've been following the lessons fine, and when I got to the point in Week 1 where he tells you to sign up for the CS50 IDE, I did so. But even when duplicating the exact code from the first example:
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
string name = get_string();
printf("hello, %s\n", name);
It throws an error. Apparently, it doesn't like "get_string()". I did a little research, and apparently it used to be "GetString()," but they changed it for the 2017 edition. I tried that, and it works. So apparently my CS50 IDE has an older version of the library. I wouldn't mind changing "get_string()" to "GetString()" every once and a while, but I'm afraid that it might be different in other areas as well. How do I fix this and update my IDE to the new version so that I won't have any problems down the road?