I am trying to submit the assignmet0 for CS50's Game Development. I have used git bash, just want to make sure what I did is correct and also asking if my understanding of git is correct. I did the following:
git remote add origin https://github.com/me50/USERNAME.git
With this I believe I created the repository as I have been told
git branch games50/assignments/2020/x/0
Then created that branch
git checkout games50/assignments/2020/x/0
I guess I kind of went to the branch
git commit -m "the name of the file with code"
This I did after I added the file already to my locar repository, thus adding it to the branch
git push -u origin games50/assignment/2020/x/0
With this I believe I submitted the branch to the repository previously created.
I believe my work is already submitted since it says so in the page to see your progress, is this way of doing it correct? If so, I hope it helps others that want submit their work but do not understand git.