can't find out how to move around among my directories.
I think I'm in the wrong directory. I keep getting: make: *** No rule to make target `hello-1'. Stop.
There are many commands you can use in the terminal, but the ones you are looking for are "ls" and "cd"
ls will print out a list of all the available directories in that folder cd will allow you to change your directory
for example you could type "cd pset1" to change your directory to pset1
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cd - change directory, i.e if you are inside ~/workspace/ and you want to go in mario/less you have to type: cd ~/workspace/pset1/mario/less And then if you want to go back, to mario folder, you cant just type cd /mario, becasue there is no mario folder inside the folder "less", instead you`ll have to type full path again: cd ~/workspace/pset1/mario OR press the UP arrow button in the terminal to get to your last input and correct it accordingly.