Havent finished my final project as yet but was just wondering where do I have to submit it when its done, I think its stated the edx students just have to make a 2 min video but where do we have to submit that video to? cuz the place where we used to submit our psets has a tag for final project too, do we submit it to there and will it accept video? and there is this link too http://cdn.cs50.net/2016/x/project/project.html
which justs asks for the youtube link, so I am really confused where will i have to submit it when I am done? through the cs50x gradebook or this link? plz help
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1 Answer
As far as I recall, you will enter the URL of your final project in "the form that awaits":
When ready to submit your video, head to the URL below where a form awaits.
And is it necessary for the video to have narration or can I explain things with the help of slides? Commented Oct 19, 2016 at 17:14
how long it takes for the score for final project to appear in the Gradebook after I submit the video at x.cs50.net/2016/project just asking cuz for psets the score used to appear with in 24hrs, so for final project is the time frame the same or it takes longer? just asking cuz I plan to aaply for verified version once I see that the score for final project together with all the scores of psets is there Commented Oct 21, 2016 at 4:37
Sorry, I do not know the answer. All the course material says grading can take up to 2 weeks. Commented Oct 21, 2016 at 13:12