I have completed all psets and final project in 2017 and verified my ID with edX. However, I cannot find where the verified CS50 certificate is. Does anyone have idea?

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1 Answer 1


Each month, we send a list to edX of anyone who qualified for a certificate in the previous month. Once they get the list, about a week later they will generate the certificates, which can be found as a link on your Dashboard.

So, depending on when in 2017 you completed everything, you should receive the certificate in the month afterwards.

If you think you should have received it by now and haven't, then please contact Rob (rob at cs50.harvard.edu) with your edX & github usernames and he can investigate.

  • Thanks! I will check my dashboard in edX in May then.
    – eddiewong
    Commented Apr 24, 2017 at 8:10

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