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Why am I getting TypeError: expected string or buffer?

This is my tweets file #!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys from analyzer import Analyzer from termcolor import colored from helpers import get_user_timeline def ...
Cristian's user avatar
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Error in pset6 API Key not set

I'm getting this error, I have been working to make it work but i can't. I followed the instructions on setting up the API_KEY value: Traceback (most recent call last): File "tweets", line 25, in ...
Josué Oswaldo Arreola Vargas's user avatar
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Pset6 Tweets output score and color different to staff version

My Tweets function can output score and tweet from Tweeter user. However, the output is a bit different to the staff version's output. I find that some words with first character capitalized are not ...
eddiewong's user avatar
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PSET6/Sentiments/, tweets

I have been trying hard to get my mistakes for this PSET but can't find what errors have I made in implementing and tweets.On running ./smile word be it love, hate, Stanford I get :| in ...
sk.76's user avatar
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Lost trying to figure out sentiments PSET 6 2017

I need some help with pset6 I'm basically lost trying to figure out what I should be doing. I have my analyzer code which doesn't return any errors when I run it but at the same time returns no output ...
Dave G's user avatar
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