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Questions tagged [binary-search]

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What if binary search's split was not in the middle, but in a way the left side is twice as long as the right side?

How would the time complexity change if the binary search's split was not in the middle ((left + right)/2), but rather in such a way that the left side is twice as long as the right side? So we check ...
Mia W's user avatar
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Pset3 Binary Search problems

I have tested the code presented in the picture and find this function always returns false no matter what number you search.There must be a problem in it but I can not see it!! Can anyone help me ? ...
Yan Zhang's user avatar
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Question about binary search. Please help! I am struggling to understand how to implement binary search. According to the video, there are 14 numbers in the array. Then he goes on to ...
Thuy's user avatar
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PSet 3, binary search implementation

I'm struggling with implementation of binary search in PSet 3, and my code can't quite get past check50. Here's my code: bool search(int value, int values[], int n) { // TODO: implement a ...
Athena's user avatar
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pset3 binary search , problems with check50

i have tried a lot but cannot find the meaning of the last two errors of check50 please help
Ketan Verma's user avatar
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Binary search algorithm only works for smaller arrays

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. My algorithm works for smaller arrays, but once the number of values increases, the program stops and I have to hit Ctrl + C. I thought maybe it was an issue ...
Diane Jacob's user avatar
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Recursive Binary Search Exit Code Errors

I wrote the following recursive binary search function. No matter which exit codes I use (e.g., true, false, 1, 0, -1, "Swedish Chef"), I fail at least two of the checks I need to pass. The code ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Trouble with binary search

Using gdb, I found the problem is when the left_values is not there because if I try print left_values right after declaring it, it tells me No symbol "left_values" in current context. after ...
RexYuan's user avatar
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binary search pset 3 pointer to integer error

I am trying my hands on binary search. I get those pointer to integer errors :( Can sonmeone more experience give me a hand ? bool search(int value, int values[], int n) { int first=0; int last=n-1; ...
hmmmbob's user avatar
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pset3 binary search , shows errors in check50

i don't understand acc. to the algorithm it should work correctly , but it doesn't
Ketan Verma's user avatar
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Pset 3 - Binary Search - clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1

When I compile, with "make find", the following code: I get: So, if I'm interpreting this correctly, there's an undefined reference to search on line 58 of find.c, which is -- if (search(needle, ...
cignal's user avatar
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binarysearch no errors from compiler, but only spews out gibberish , anyone got an idea?

To make it more readable i thought this time i will just post the link to my helpers.file. The bubblesort worked and the linary search before too. Maybe i did something wrong in the implementation of ...
Stephan Ketterer's user avatar
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Purpose of sizeof(book)/sizeof(string) in lectures' binary sort?

string book[] = { "Chen", "Kernighan", "Leitner", "Lewis", "Malan", "Muller", "Seltzer", "Shieber", "Smith" } int main(...
Davis's user avatar
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when to search in binary search right, when left?

in the binary search algorithm: If no items Return false If middle item is 50 Return true Else if 50 < middle item Search left half Else if 50 > middle item Search right half like can we do the ...
sumer fattoum's user avatar
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cs50x pset3 find - Need help with the counting sort

can someone please look at my code and tell me where I went wrong with my counting sort algorithm (Or binary search algorithm, if that's where the problem lies...?). Please and thank you. Binary ...
Milad's user avatar
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PSET3 find having trouble. Can someone help?

For some reason bubble sort is not working. Can someone help. binary search bool search (int target, int array[],int length) { int end = length-1; int start = 0; while (array[start] < ...
user20243's user avatar
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Pset3, Find, search

In "Find" problem, something seems wrong with my binary search Algorithm, because in check50, helpers.c wouldn't compile, I tried to compile it, then it gave me this weird error: clang -fsanitize=...
Raw's user avatar
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Segmentation Fault pset3 for Find

I'm getting a segmentation fault error and I can't figure out why. void sort(int values[], int n) { // TODO: implement a sorting algorithm for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) { if ((n!=i+...
Alex Durante's user avatar
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pset3. binary search \ expected an exit code of 0, not 1

First, thanks for helping me on this! My search function work with the tests: ./generate 1000 50 | ./find 127 -> "Found needle in haystack!" ./generate 1000 50 | ./find 128 -> "Didn't find needle in ...
Frederic Knaudt's user avatar
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Pset3 Segmentation Fault

Where is the segmentation fault occurring in this program? Thanks! /** * helpers.c * * Computer Science 50 * Problem Set 3 * * Helper functions for Problem Set 3. */ #include <cs50.h> #...
mmoore's user avatar
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pset3 find less comfortable if else expression result unused

I do not understand why I get an errors: error: expected ';' after expression else (value > values[l]) and helpers.c:40:21: error: expression result unused [-Werror,-Wunused-value] ...
koko loko's user avatar
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Binary Search for helpers.c

so as the title suggests I am having some trouble with my implementation of binary search. So based on the logic shown in the lecture, I think my implementation is fine, indeed it works for the cases ...
Anza Khan's user avatar
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Pset3 helpers.c

i'm stuck in binary search. Check50 doesn't pass all the checks and it doesn't find the needle, I feel like the algorithm i have implemented is correct but it doesn't work. I've been stuck in this for ...
Ishark Felician's user avatar
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how effective would it have been to use an array for the dictionary?

I just completed pset5 using a trie, but I'm curious about other methods. How effective would it have been to load the dictionary into an array and then use a binary search function to locate words ...
736f5f6163636f756e74's user avatar
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Find.c (Binary Search)

I am having some serious issues figuring out what is wrong with my code. I have run this through on paper with the simplest of numbers and cant seem to understand why it fails. I could use some ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Need help with recursive binary search

Here is my helpers.c file, I have been scouring the message boards and nothing is making sense. I use the pset3 input of ./generate 1000 50 | ./find 127. I get a Didn't find needle in haystack ...
Ian Sullivan's user avatar
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What's wrong with this binary search implemented using recursion?

This is pset3 and I've tried making it work for numerous hours. It always returns false whether the 'needle' is found in the 'haystack' of arrays or not. When typing this in the command window: ./...
rohan's user avatar
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Pset3 Search/Find problems

I have no idea what the problems are with this code, so any help would be appreciated. The code compiles, but the output is skewed. It only sorts after a certain amount of characters, and then sorts ...
mmoore's user avatar
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Implementation of Search Function

I am having trouble understanding why the bool search function is working the way it does. I had gone through the Section for Week 3. While I understand the logic of binary search, I don't understand ...
ktruong2017's user avatar
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PSET3 \ expected an exit code of 0, not 1 (find.c)

I successfully built my program and went on to check it using check50 only to discover this :) helpers.c exists :) helpers.c compiles :) finds 42 in {42,43,44} :) finds 42 in {41,42,43} :) finds 42 ...
Ubuntu NutCracker's user avatar
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Bug in my Pset3 Binary Search helpers.c

When I run check50 check50 2015.fall.pset3.find helpers.c This is the terminal result :) helpers.c exists :) helpers.c compiles :( finds 42 in {42,43,44} \ expected an exit code of 0, not 1 :) ...
Kazaky's user avatar
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PSET3 Binary Search Function Infinite Loop

When I try running find.c inputting: ./generate 1000 50 | ./find 127 it should return that the value (127) was found, however when I do it with my code, it seems to create an infinite loop. Also, ...
hpati1117's user avatar
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Stuck in loop on Binary Search

I have some problems with my Binary search and would greatly apprecaite help in this. I've debugged it and it seems that my "mid" variable doesn't change. As such, if "value" doesn't equal value[mid] ...
Domoman's user avatar
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Binary Search Pset 3 help

As my question is titled, I would appreciate help with my binary search, shown below. Currently, the search will always return false. I am almost certain that my sorting algorithm is correct, as it ...
Jason_V's user avatar
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Pset3: Helpers.c Binary Search Fails on checks that have 42 entered last

For some reason my implementation of binary search for Pset3 fails to work correctly whenever the last number added to the "haystack" is 42. During use of GDB, I found that this is due to the part of ...
OddballGreg's user avatar
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pset3: sort and search work in separate files, but my helpers.c doesn't work

I dealt with sorting in a separate file first, and then I dealt with searching in another file. They seem to work okay or at least worked for the numbers I feed in, but when I put them in helpers and ...
Chris's user avatar
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CS 50 - pset3 find helpers: Why do binary search and selection short not work?

the command line yells at me but I cannot find out why. Any ideas what could be wrong? Here is my code: /** * helpers.c * * Helper functions for Problem Set 3. */ include include "helpers.h" /...
AlexL's user avatar
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Pset3 - Binary Search : Control may reach end of non void function

I have written my binary search code, but every time i try to compile I get the following error jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset3/find): make helpers clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror ...
Darkstar108's user avatar
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pset 3 binary search help

I am working on pset 3 for cs50 on edx, and I'm having quite a bit of trouble with the binary search problem. My program worked fine when I tested it with a linear search (so I think the problem isn'...
ParzivalBlade's user avatar
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How do I set a pointer to access the left half of an array? [PSET 3 - Binary search]

I'm having trouble accessing only the left half of an array, doing the same for the right half works fine for now, at least I'm not getting any errors. I figured accessing the array using pointers ...
Martin Kleiven's user avatar
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Having trouble with pset3 helpers.c binary search

bool search(int value, int values[], int n) { int midpoint = n / 2; int startpoint = 0; int endpoint = n - 1; // if the midpoint doesn't equal the vales we're looking for, repeat this ...
Russell C.'s user avatar
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Odd bug for Find

I've been working of the find (problem set 3) for 2 weeks and I'm just stuck. I already have the design etc worked out but there is a bug that I seem to be missing. So the problem is that when I run ...
Caffae's user avatar
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Segmentation fault in find.c

I've been working on find.c for a long time now and I've managed to get to the point where it will return the correct output when the needle is in the haystack, but when it isn't I get a segmentation ...
Danielle R's user avatar
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pset 3 "search": expected an exit code of 0, not 1

I'm at the very end of the "find, sort, search" section of pset3, but when using check50, I get "expected an exit code of 0, not 1". This only happens on the checks where check50 is looking for a ...
Chris's user avatar
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Binary Search pset3

bool search(int value, int values[], int n) { int found = 0; int notfound = 0; int minindex = 0; int maxindex = n; int midindex = 0; do { midindex = (minindex + maxindex) / 2; if (minindex &...
helprequest's user avatar
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Slice a list for recursive function in pset3 search

I'm using a recursive function for pset3's binary search. How do you call the same function again giving half the list as an argument?
pythonhax's user avatar
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helpers.c passes check50 but fails ./generate 1000 50 | ./find 128

check50 gives me all smiles, but when I run the test code ./generate 1000 50 | ./find 127 or 128 they both return "Found needle in haystack". How is that possible? And also, can I be sure my code is ...
Lele's user avatar
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Pset 3 Recursive Binary Search problems - Always returns true

I have tried almost everything and edited my code a hundred times in search of an answer. It seems that whenever I run the program (find.c) the result always resolves to true. Not sure where the ...
Mo Amer's user avatar
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pset 3 binary search

I know the logic behind binary search is simple but my code isn't compiling. I went along the lines of week 3's section. I am still getting compilation errors. int beginning = 0; int ending = n - 1; ...
hunter's user avatar
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pset3 - recursive binary search not compiling

I wrote a recursive function for binary search in pset" and I keep getting the same error from clang: "control may reach end on non-void function" it is driving me crazy... some help would be very ...
DavNej's user avatar
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