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The "Code Command" did not work for me in "code mario.c" - August 28th, 2022

This is my first post here. I'd like to know why the "code command" did not work for me (code mario.c). I was trying to create a file as the professor did. This command is used by the ...
Anderson's user avatar
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bash: make: command not found

I'm using VS Code online version provided by CS50, if I'm not wrong. When I try to compile my code before running it via "make hello" I get this error: "bash: make: command not found.&...
Nik's user avatar
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Some short commands aren´t working in my terminal window. What could be wrong?

So I´m learning some short commands, like mkdir, rm, cd, cp and they are not working in my terminal window at the moment. The only one that seems to be working is ctrl l as in taking away text These ...
l_b's user avatar
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Unzipped the file, how do I run the cmd "touch index.html", so I can create a new index file for my repo so I can commit and just start coding?

So after I unzip the file, how do I run the cmd "touch index.html", since I'm using Windows 10 and create a new index file for my repository so I can commit and just get started on the coding? I'm not ...
Alpha Eon's user avatar
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Can't access directory on commant prompt. Can I just drag the zipped files into repository instead?

I'm taking the CS50 Web Programming course. I downloaded the zipped file and tried to run the cmd prompt to run the cd project0 command, but it shows no path to the directory when I try to open run ...
Alpha Eon's user avatar
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In the CS50 IDE is there a way to change all the names of one variable at once?

e.g. int hey = 5; printf("%i",hey); hey = 3; I then want to change all the instances of "hey" to "a number". int a_number = 5; printf("%i",a_number); a_number = 3; I know in Py-charm the ...
Ryan Hinchliffe's user avatar
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bash: clang: command not found

When I type 'clang hello.c' in the terminal, i get the following message after pressing enter: 'bash: clang: command not found', how do I get rid of it? Also, program runs fine and does print 'Hello ...
HUSSAIN ABBAS's user avatar
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linker comman failed with exit code of 1 in find.c

I was about to submit pset3 and pset4 which I have completed, but in the process of keeping my house in order by checking every code before submission, I discovered that helpers.c has developed issues....
doublestanding's user avatar
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What is `all:` command?

I encountered a problem while using all command (or variable if : is used to create one) during problem set 3. bash: all:: command not found The context is building both generate and find (two files ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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How to not accept numbers in vigenere

I am using the following to indicate that if a number is used as the command line argument in vigenere to prompt the user for letters only but I can't wrap my mind around how this takes into account ...
HMiddleton's user avatar
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2 answers

Any Master command in CS50 appliance Terminal to list all the commands available?

In Windows Terminal we have the following command " cmd /? " to get a whole list of commands available. Is there any such master command in CS50 Appliance ? Thank You !!
0 votes
2 answers

CS50 commands, standard commands - is there any literature and who did that? [closed]

I am on week 1 and it is a lot frustrating to me. I certainly am not good with computers. When in first part of the lecture, teacher says things such as someone invented it, computer looks for it... I ...
Innochka 's user avatar
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6 answers

Which command is used to clear terminal (output) window?

I tried "cls" but not worked. What is the command to completely clear the terminal window.
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