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FINANCE SELL : DROPDOWN MENU not showing any option DESPITE having look for solutions

This is my first time posting on reddit asking for help : I've been so far going through cs50 on ressources online when I got stuck, but here I can't figure it out even tho with the numerous online ...
Etex's user avatar
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pset7 sell: can not make drop down menu work

i can not get why drop down menu does not work. It seems that the list is empty, but when I check it in another program, it contains information as expected. I just don't get why the dorpdown list is ...
andy's user avatar
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Drop down list using database values in PHP - Doesn't work - Final project

I am trying to provide drop down list in input field using values from MySQL. I tried a lots of examples from web but no one works. Here is my code. <div class="form-group"> <...
Ivanka D.'s user avatar
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CS50 Final Project: Dropdown Menu / Typeaheads

For my final project (a website where people can write diaries and read others' diaries), I am trying to implementing a search box where the user may search usernames to read others' diaries, so I ...
Alex Chan's user avatar
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Drop-down Menu for Sell_View.PHP gives empty options

I've been working on CS50 Pset7, CS50 Finance, and I have everything working bar the sell page. Everything on the sell page works, except for the fact that when I click my drop-down menu to choose ...
EmmaDB's user avatar
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How to create a dropbox menu in pset7 sell_form.php?

I'm currently struggling with the sell form of pset7. I want to create a dropbox menu with displays the stocks a users owns and is able to sell. I have a controller called sell.php and a template ...
Wouterbieze's user avatar
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Cannot get drop down menu to display for pset7. Why would this be?

I have set up a template form that sends the symbol selected by the user to the controller. I cannot get the form to show when I request the page. Here is my code for the form: <form action="...
ascar's user avatar
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Creating dropdown menu using information in an SQL database

I am trying to make a dropdown menu in an html form that relies on information in a databse. This is the code I have: $rows=query("SELECT Symbol FROM Portfolio WHERE id= ?", $_SESSION["id"]); This ...
user1298's user avatar