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Test code with sample input file

I'm working on some Python dictionary practice, and I have a bunch of info to toe in as user input to populate my dictionaries so that I can use debug50 and test the code. It's time consuming. How do ...
Joseph J Filoramo's user avatar
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Trying to do pset 2, but it doesn't even accept my input. What am I doing wrong?

#include <stdio.h> #include <cs50.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> int check(int c, string key); int main(int argc, string argv[]) { int ...
Lakshya Dugar's user avatar
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Prints " Invalid vote " for " code 1 " as vote function But works fine for " code 2 " as vote function. Whats wrong with " code 1 "?

// CODE 1 :- bool vote(string name) { // TODO for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++) { if ( candidates[i].name == name ) { candidates[i].votes = candidates[i].votes + 1 ; return true ; } } ...
Shubham Thori's user avatar
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Taking scale factor input in Resize--pset3

I'm trying to take an input integer between 1 and 100 and store its value as n, which I will then refer to as the scale factor, and use it later on in the redefinition of bi.biWidth *= n; and in ...
Tanishq Kumar's user avatar
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check50 is being silly

The attached image is self-explanatory. Why does check50 not find any input request, yet the program clearly works as intended in the IDE? The code clearly shows that the program requests input. ...
Gabriel Doyle-Finch's user avatar
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I have 2 questions. 1 - offline programming 2 - getting user input

One: I have very poor internet connection and I want to know if there's a way to use cs50 IDE offline. Two: I fooled around some with the get_(user input) functions and found that you can do this ...
MacKenzie Richards's user avatar
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Can't pass input value from HTML to python (Final project)

I can't pass inputted in HTML form value to python via request.form.get('name'). I watсhed youtube and found original function request.form['name'] that doesn't work as well. Even tried to pass values ...
Danylo Katran's user avatar
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Drop down list using database values in PHP - Doesn't work - Final project

I am trying to provide drop down list in input field using values from MySQL. I tried a lots of examples from web but no one works. Here is my code. <div class="form-group"> <...
Ivanka D.'s user avatar
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Help with fseek and fgets

I am trying to fully grasp how these functions work. From the Reference50 website: fseek FILE* out = fopen("out.txt", "w+"); fputs("Team Bowden Fever!", out); char buffer[50]; fseek(out, 0, ...
Alberto's user avatar
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Taking an array as input from User and Displaying the same back

I'm trying to take a list of numbers from user as input and store it in an array. Later I'll be displaying this array using a printf function. I'm trying to take this input in 2 ways: as user prompt ...
ABor's user avatar
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inputing multiple value(variable)

So I was thinking that instead of inputting 1 2 3 with enter at the end of each input. which use{ scanf("%i",&a) in a loop} I wish to to input somthing like 1 2 3 which uses { scanf("%i %i %i",&...
Pattana Soranastaporn's user avatar
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Can't get past user input in Mario

Can't understand why this doesn't print nothing when I give the integer within the parameters...just keeps asking for an integer no matter what the user input is
Marin Fernald's user avatar
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How to check if input is invalid with C

I am doing greedy, and I want to write a code which says that if the input is not a number, I say something other than it is a number. I know that it is not required, but I just want to know if there ...
BooFluff's user avatar