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Questions tagged [makefile]

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make:***No rule to make target 'hello'. Stop. This really getting me down

My terminal wont process even a simple hello world program. I thought I had it sorted yesterday it ran fine now I am trying to run a simple code and this message has re entered my screen make:***No ...
UP timism1's user avatar
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pset3/music/helpers.c - "no makefile found"

This is probably a very silly question with a very simple answer, but it has been torturing me for several days now. I want to try to compile notes.c and synthesize.c to see if the code I wrote in ...
Megan Tallon's user avatar
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Making a generic Makefile

Hey how to write a Makefile that is generic that works for any file and take command line arguments to add extra flag information. Also how to access Makefile from anywhere?
Pradeep Kumar's user avatar
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PSET6 server: Make server error - Please please help =(

I was almost finished debugging server.c (the only thing that didn't work was that I was getting a 404 error when submitting my query on hello.html) by using gdb. When I thought I'd noticed what the ...
user9805's user avatar
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pset3 issues with Makefile

I have been having problems with pset3. Pretty much every time I try to make a program it gives me the error: relocation 0 has invalid symbol index 11, and then repeats this error several times. I ...
Antonio Velasco's user avatar
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what is LIBS in the makefile?

I have a short question related to the purpose of this line in the Makefile of pset5 (spellchecker): # space-separated list of libraries, if any, # each of which should be prefixed with -l LIBS = I ...
Xiggi's user avatar
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how to compile dictionary.c? [duplicate]

I'm having trouble figuring out the problem with my load function. here's the weird error I get (I've never seen something like it): jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset5): make dictionary clang -ggdb3 ...
Xiggi's user avatar
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Makefile config

As we know.. in the appliance when we use the command.. . make [file-name] .. It automatically complied with some flag....-ggdb -O0 -std=c99 -Wall - Werror But I need to know in which directory the ...
ehzawad's user avatar
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Test program compiles with <math.h>, speller.c shows error

I've edited the pset6 Makefile to include all headers, and was careful not to edit any spaces or tabs. When I try to compile speller, I get the following error: make: *** No rule to make target `math....
Erin Magner's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How does "make" know how to compile if no "Makefile" is specified?

For the earlier psets, no makefile is present yet make runs without problems. How?
RexYuan's user avatar
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Week 5 Walkthroughs

I am trying to get Button.c to work, which is the first of the Walkthroughs from Week 5. I transferred the spl folder to my current directory, altered the Makefile from Breakout so it is working on ...
Brendan Rafferty's user avatar
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Makefile missing separator

I'm confused because I did this successfully at first, then my appliance crashed and I had to start over, and now I am having trouble with the Makefile for copy.c I have a file names "Makefile" that ...
Robin Sifre's user avatar