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wht is wrong with my buy function and sell function

it keeps showing :( buy handles valid purchase expected to find "112.00" in page, but it wasn't found @app.route("/buy", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @...
dhan8293's user avatar
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FINANCE SELL : DROPDOWN MENU not showing any option DESPITE having look for solutions

This is my first time posting on reddit asking for help : I've been so far going through cs50 on ressources online when I got stuck, but here I can't figure it out even tho with the numerous online ...
Etex's user avatar
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Buy/Sell on Index - button attributes & form value issues

I've got a couple issues adding my own buy/sell buttons to the index page. First, each "Buy" or "Sell" buttons opens up the form for all of the table rows. How can I modify these ...
zawave's user avatar
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Is there a bug in check50 cs50/problems/2021/x/finance?

I completed problem set 9 and works as supposed, but with check50 I get the following result: :( sell handles valid sale expected to find "56.00" in page, but it wasn't found For testing ...
SeGue's user avatar
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Finance PROBLEM with lookup: TypeError: quote_from_bytes() expected bytes

I have Finance barely ready but like most codes, it has a buggy near the finish line. I have a problem with lookup. Always return None. I check it. and Terminal shows this error: TypeError: ...
santiago correa's user avatar
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Pset8 Finance - Sell - Fails to update user's cash in "users" table, and fails to insert sold shares into "portfolio" table

Big picture: On the sell page of the CS50 Finance, I select the shares symbol I want to sell, and enter the number of shares, and click the Sell button, which redirects me to the homepage, but the ...
John's user avatar
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I have created two tables in my database named : portfolio and user_data. portfolio has fields as: user_id, Symbol, Name, Shares, Price, Total, Datetime all of them "NOT UNIQUE" so as to let the user ...
sk.76's user avatar
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Pset7 Sell: can't display dropdown menu items

Trying to implement a dropdown menu in sell_form.php so that the user can choose one of the stocks he/she owns and sell it. However, the dropdown menu doesn't seem to be working properly, can someone ...
Chris Shi's user avatar
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finance how to compare requested shares to shares owned

I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to write the sql statement to receive the amount of shares owned so I can compare it to the number requested, and if owned - requested < 0, don't let ...
Joel Banks's user avatar