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Questions tagged [settings]

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How do I get my old workspace(settings) back:CS50 workspace/terminal was closed and after opening a new one all settings where changed

I closed my workspace in cs50 during the programming course. Pressing F6 opens a new terminal called workspace/ - "" instead of the workspace/ that you see in examples(blue background), I can work ...
Floor's user avatar
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What VMWare settings are you running on your appliance?

Meaning, Memory, processors, cores per processors, etc.
Guillermo Garcia Backhoff's user avatar
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2014 appliance sound and display issues

I'm running CS50 2014 appliance on VmWare workstation, but don't have sound in appliance OS. However, I do have sound on my initial Windows Operating System. I've played with VMWare sound settings but ...
Dauren Z's user avatar