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2 answers

How to use current timestamp or now()

In CS50 pset 7, there is a part where you have to use SQL to insert the date and time of a transaction into a table. According to the web, there is a function to do that called CURRENT_TIMESTAMP or ...
user1298's user avatar
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Problem Set 7 (fighting of SQL injection attack)

Halfway the PS-text it says that using the "query'-function will also ensure "that any such placeholders' values are properly escaped so that your code is not vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.", ...
Gerard de Vries's user avatar
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2017 pset8 mashup: Slow search - how to improve search performance?

I have successfully implemented search in Though ss I was testing through the app, I noticed that every search was really slow. It's turns out that every search request was from 63KB ...
johnlock1's user avatar
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PSET7 Movies Q9: Why is my number of rows generated different from what the assignment requires?

Here are the parameters for running a SQL query in the file 9.sql: In 9.sql, write a SQL query to list the names of all people who starred in a movie released in 2004, ordered by birth year. ...
Daniel Hering's user avatar
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How is Week 9 SQL Atomocity solved?

David said: So in problem set seven, we give you this one line of code, which long story short, solves this problem in MySQL. This very long instruction that doesn't even fit onto one line on ...
RexYuan's user avatar
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PSET 7 Movies SQL Q9

In 9.sql, write a SQL query to list the names of all people who starred in a movie released in 2004, ordered by birth year. ...Your query should output a table with a single column for the name of ...
Kevin Rodriguez's user avatar
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How to use SQL SUM command in this specific situation

I am stuck here, I have to display sum of each share of specific share group by symbol I have tried a lot but could not get it how can I display them in the html.This is my code right now, I ...
Ahmed Raza's user avatar
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How do we delete existing flight in sqlite via Django?

In the notes for the SQLITE section, week 3, It states: Every time we make ...
Katie Melosto's user avatar
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line 541, in sell user_id = current_id coming back as an error, Why? Is it caused by global variables? Thanks

I know my variable names suck. sell @app.route("/sell", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required def sell(): """Sell shares of stock""" current_id = session["user_id_2"] ...
grggthwrth's user avatar
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pset7 buy - ON DUPLICATE KEY syntax question

I'm on pset7 buy, and I just need some explanation on how the ON DUPLICATE KEY syntax is supposed to look (at least I assume that's the issue). Btw, id and symbol are both unique keys in my portfolio ...
Scott's user avatar
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cs50x Ps7 Movies 10.sql

On the Pset page it says that the solution must have 3392 rows. I wrote two different solutions, both accepted by check50, with different number of rows. The first one gives 3389 lines: SELECT ...
Nicolò Tiraboschi's user avatar
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Finance: Ensuring no duplicate usernames

I've implemented the following code in my "/register" route: def register(): """Register user""" if request.method == "GET": return render_template("register.html") else: #...
Jason C's user avatar
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2 answers

Final project SQL Error: execute() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

EDITED I am working on a conversion table website as my final project. I am using a base unit multiplier to convert one unit to the other. So for example centimeter to yard would look like this. ...
SozDaneron's user avatar
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Passing SQL values into arrays

I'm designing a budgeting website for the final project. One of the features that I want to implement is to be able to track how much money you've spent for each item category. The SQL command that I'...
neetdays's user avatar
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pset7 why doesn't my SQL table update?

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my INSERT INTO? The table is not updating. I get the first purchase and nothing after that. Here is the ...
cfdphd's user avatar
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SQL search multiple columns with priority

I'm trying to implement the search in pset8 and want to find the most elegant and fast solution. The way I have implemented it is to first of all check whether the search term is an int, and if so, ...
Steve Bunting's user avatar
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C$50 Finance Pset7 - Buy.php not INSERTing shares correctly

My code for Buy.php. For some reason whenever I fill out both fields of shares and symbol correctly I get the apologize error that the data wasn't inserted into the table correctly. (I don't think I ...
Simonnnn's user avatar
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How do I use SQL transactions?

How do I use SQL transaction with the query function provided by CS50 staff? I tried: query("BEGIN TRANSACTION"); and even: query("START TRANSACTION"); but these didn't work.
Mirko Salaris's user avatar
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parse error: no such table

I'm currently on week 1 of cs50's SQL course, running into some issues with the exercise. Running the code from both the file and the terminal results in a no such table, despite me already ...
Bryant Rusli's user avatar
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PSET7/SQL Any clues as to why my logic isn't working? (13.sql)

This very nested query is to return names of all the actors that performed on a Kevin Bacon film. Instead it's returning nothing, any ideas are appreciated! Note: I'm yet to implement the part that ...
General Noob's user avatar
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Why doesn't IDE50 highlight the "IN" keyword in SQL?

Highlighting works well with all other keywords I tried, this is confusing to people who might think (like me, originally) that the keyword is wrong/inexistent...
Rautermann's user avatar
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PSET7 Movies - Q13.SQL How to NOT include 'Kevin Bacon' in List of Actors that have starred in movies with 'Kevin Bacon

I was able to determine the list of actors that have been in movies with 'Kevin Bacon' and get rid of the duplicates with DISTINCT; however, I cannot figure out how to exclude 'Kevin Bacon' from the ...
Christopher White's user avatar
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PSET7 Movies Q8 - Why these queries return different results?

I'm working on pset7 movies problem of the CS50 course and I have a question regarding 8.sql, which asks to write a SQL query to list the names of all people who starred in Toy Story. To my ...
MADi's user avatar
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What does VALUES(shares) refer to in the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause?

This is the working snippet: query("INSERT INTO portfolio (id, symbol, shares) VALUES(?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE shares = shares + VALUES(shares)", $_SESSION['id'], $_POST["...
Lex's user avatar
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What is wrong with this SQL command?

query("INSERT INTO stocks (id, symbol, shares) VALUES($_SESSION["id"], $_POST["symbol"], $_POST["number"]) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE shares = shares + VALUES(shares)"); I am getting this error Parse ...
Muneeb Hussain's user avatar
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I have written the query for 6.sql but it does not work. SELECT AVG(rating) FROM ratings WHERE movie_id = (SELECT id FROM movies WHERE year = 2012); I can do this by using JOIN SELECT AVG(rating) ...
MWD's user avatar
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pset7/movies/13.sql: exclude Kevin Bacon from the resulting list

In pset7/movies, I want to dynamically exclude Kevin Bacon from the resulting list (e.g. not specifically mentioning his name with NOT or EXCEPT or copying and pasting code that calculates his ID, so ...
sceunazhel's user avatar
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Substring SQL Search

I am trying to query the Database for a sub-string, I am substituting a string variable from a form for the query. It is giving me a syntax error. This is the error: LINE 1: SELECT * FROM books ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Access just the text from a db.execute return

Evening all. I am working on my final project and have a question about db.execute. When I run my SQL search the return always has the format {"key": value}. Is there any way to then extract the ...
Ben Rogers's user avatar
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pset7 finance/index problem updating values in table

First time asking question, sorry if formatted badly. I am trying to set up to update my price and total column in my sql table. I seem to have it mostly correct, as values are being updated properly, ...
A Dedia's user avatar
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For register in pset 7 where I am doing wrong?

Here is my code for register user in database but it is not working, What is my mistake @app.route("/register", methods=["GET","POST"]) def register(): if request.form["username"] == "" or request....
Ahmed Raza's user avatar
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pset8, import. Only even row numbers from US.txt are being written to db

I managed to import file from US.txt to places table and all seems ok, except that only rows from even numbers in file are being imported. Instead of 40975 rows I have 20487. I tried with while loop(...
Grzegorz Milanowski's user avatar
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Finance pset, cs50's SQL INSERT statements results in runtime error

I'm trying to write a buy() function which would update user's stocks and his balance. I've added two new tables to my finance.db: stocks table for storing user's stocks and transactions table for ...
Nikolai Anisimov's user avatar
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CS50 pset9: Why does 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()' return 0 instead of the expected value when using CS50 SQL library in Flask?

symbol_id = db.execute("SELECT symbol_id FROM symbols WHERE symbol = ?", quote["symbol"]) if not symbol_id: db.execute("INSERT INTO symbols (symbol) VALUES ...
khalildouis's user avatar
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ValueError: UNIQUE constraint failed: on finance pset9, could someone point me in the right direction on which values should be UNIQUE from my table?

Could someone help me figure out which values should I define as UNIQUE? I'm getting the ValueError: UNIQUE constraint failed: beacuase of the way I created my table for keeping tab of who ...
Roger Roger's user avatar
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CS50 PSET7 Movies "query did not return results" 12.sql

First timer asking on Stack Exchange. I have a SQL query that returns 6 results in the terminal but does not work with check50 resulting in "Query did not return any results" I read in a ...
DavidLS7's user avatar
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pset7 Fifty Ville // not sure how to get the intersect of cases to find the thief

I am currently doing pset7 and I have found most of the clues of who it is but the problem is that I need to use the intersect sql function to find the common name of the thief but I am not sure how. ...
Arsham's user avatar
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CS50 finance SELL - Cannot get the code to subtract the stock from the database or index

I have tried a number of versions of this code, except I cannot get it to subtract shares from my ("/") index page it does nothing and shows nothing in the shares column in the transaction ...
Christopher White's user avatar
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pset 7 houses passes check 50 but shows the names 4 times

I have a really strange problem here: both import and rooster passes every check in check 50, but if I run Rooster the names on every house appear 4 times. I have no clue about why this is happening, ...
Alejandro Sánchez's user avatar
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FINANCE: GROUP BY doesn't add up the numbers of shares of the same stock

So in index i'm trying to display a table with all the stocks that the user has bought, one row for each stock, displaying the total number of shares in the user's portfolio along with the total value ...
Ash's user avatar
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PSET8 Finance Buy. SQL query not executing

My buy function is crashing at the SQL query where I'm trying to insert data from the transaction into a transactions table. The types of each column are transaction_id(integer, primary key), user_id(...
Ewan Willsmer's user avatar
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Problem taking a SUM with SQL to python

I am doing Finance and I am fighting with this code... could anyone help me? I want to "select" some data from a sql table and put this value to a variable in python (a specific FLOAT number)...
santiago correa's user avatar
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PSET 7 HOUSES - Syntax error on case function

I'm trying to select the first name and last name and ONLY select the middle name when there is one. The logic of my query makes sense. Every time I am extracting the first name, last name, and birth. ...
Bob's user avatar
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pset7 Q10 Weird Result

The challenge is apparently straightforward: write an SQL query to list the names of all people who have directed a movie that received a rating of at least 9.0. To get from names (which lives in the '...
RandomForestRanger's user avatar
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Pset7 (Movies) 12.sql: Table outputs 96 rows rather than 5 rows

I've been stuck on this for quite some time and did a lot of research on the AND operator in SQL, but no matter how many variations I try I cannot get my table to output just 6 rows, with each row ...
qwert9988's user avatar
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PSET 7 - 6.sql, terminal just hangs

PSET 7 for 6.sql, Terminal just hangs when I execute it. Can anyone tell me why this wouldn't work? I've tried every variation I could think of (and several I found online) for this and none of them ...
Brandon Zemel's user avatar
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Difference between { var } vs :var as placeholder - SQL, Postgre

I was wondering if it's a good idea to use { var } in place of :var as placeholder? This is what I see in CS50 notes: flight = db.execute("SELECT * FROM flights WHERE id = :id", {"id": flight_id})....
TheOnlyAnil's user avatar
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CS50w Project1: Trouble posting reviews (Row Proxy error - how to ensure a tuple)

The last bit I am struggling with on Project1 is posting a rating and review. I continually get sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.ProgrammingError) can't adapt type 'RowProxy' [SQL: INSERT ...
azb1297's user avatar
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pset7 houses ISNULL function

I want to replace all NULL value by nothing('') in an output query. Note: I don't want to replace the NULL by nothing in the table. SELECT row1, row2, row3 ISNULL(row1,'') AS row1 FROM table output ...
saquiel's user avatar
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pset7 houses: dict to SQL

I need to pass a python dict to a database with SQL. one of my dicts is: print(student[1]) {'first': 'Adrian', 'house': 'Slytherin', 'birth': '1977', 'middle': 'NULL', 'last': 'Pucey'} I want to ...
saquiel's user avatar
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