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Pset6 Tweets output score and color different to staff version

My Tweets function can output score and tweet from Tweeter user. However, the output is a bit different to the staff version's output. I find that some words with first character capitalized are not ...
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1 answer

Pset 6: "Stopping server" message when loading staff solution and cannot access ide50

For some reason as of today (1/30/16) I immediate get the output "Stopping server" when trying to run the staff's solution of server.c. I'd been able to view their version the past couple of weeks. I ...
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missing staff files in pset6

I don't seem to have the right files in my pest6 file in the pset6 folder in the cs50 directory. I still have the old dictionary files from last year. Is there anything I can do to rectify this?