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pset6 python bleep

Is the problem that you have hardcoded the input file to "banned.txt"? From the specification: Accepts as its sole command-line argument the name (or path) of a dictionary of banned words (i.e., ...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
3 votes

Speller 2019: dictionary could not be unloaded and the program identifies misspelled words wrongly

The errors give a very good clue to the problem. Program is "case sensitive" and must be "case insensitive". Perhaps investigate how you can use strcasecmp (as Zamyla mentions in the check walkthrough)...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
3 votes

Enrolled in 2018, upgraded for certificate in 2019, can I still get the CS50x certificate in 2020?

Yes, your progress from 2019 will carry forward to the 2020 course, but you'll need to complete the course using the 2020 materials. We'll publish transition instructions in January (much like the ...
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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3 votes

I don't think that I will be able to finish CS50 before the end of the year. Will I be able to continue the course next year? I won’t be able to finish the course before 31 December 2019. What will happen? ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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Problem Set 3 (Resize) Help

Not exactly clear what you're asking in your first question, but I know what you should be asking, so here goes. ;-) The file can't simply be multiplied by some scaling factor. Each line of pixels (...
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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Problems with check50 for pset2 caesar 2019

To answer your first question, check50 is not available in the Lab. (check50 is not introduced until Week 3 when you will move to the IDE). edit To answer your second question, you are only seeing a ...
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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I am ABSOLUTELY STUCK! (mario less)

I tried running your code in the sandbox, resulting in an additional row without any hashes on top of the pyramid (you can see the space between the pyramid and the height prompt). To solve the ...
Justin Tzuriel's user avatar
2 votes

I don't get these errors

I'll pick one. // Adds word to list void append(const char *word, node *list) What is this meant to do? I guess you pass a word and the pointer to the list head, and expect a new node to be added to ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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I don't know why check50 HATES ME?! mario.more

As per the specification the bottom-left corner of the left-hand pyramid should be left-aligned with the terminal window and therefore the number of preceding spaces should not be hard-coded.
Ashen Gunaratne's user avatar
1 vote

Speller (hashtable) check-function marks everything as correct

I took a very quick glance at it and see this: if (strcmp(word, wordcheck->word)) { return true; } This tells me that you've assumed that strcmp returns true/...
Cliff B's user avatar
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When I run valgrind, why do I see more allocs than the number of times I've malloc'ed memory?

Your size function shouldn't call the load function.
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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do not understand why check function checks new word against dictionary

No, not at all. You're conflating two different var names to be the same variable. Let's look at the code: // Returns true if word is in dictionary else false bool check(const char *word) { ... if ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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having problem in check() in cs 50 finance

I don't think it's a good idea to add listeners in a callback that way. They can pile up. The empty form does not seem to have one, empty form would submit, and you have no code for removing them ...
Blauelf's user avatar
  • 21k
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speller unload trie leaking memory

What's n meant to represent? Your recursive function is looping from 0 to n to unload the children, but n isn't the number of children, N is.
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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I keep getting the message that 'non-ASCII characters are not allowed outside of literals and identifiers.'

This has to be one of the most unique syntax errors I've seen in a while! You get today's award for something almost never seen! ;-) Let's look at one of the lines that are causing the problem: ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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unused variable error when trying to create separate table for each user's transactions in finance problem

Can't speak to the user error because I'm not well versed in flask, other than to say that an unused variable is pretty much self-explanatory. But, hopefully, this explanation will make the whole ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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Speller is returning all the words as misspelled while using a hashtable?

Here's the main issue that's blocking your progress: if (ptr -> word == wordt) Your goal is obviously to see if the words are the same. Unfortunately, this will compare addresses in memory, ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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survey : ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 4) in template sheet.html

Your answers is going to be a list of each list of answers (ie, a list of rows). The actual 'title' of those answers isn't in the file. You only need to iterate over each line and then iterate over ...
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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CS50 Recover compiles, but doesn't compile on check50?

Do not include bmp.h, it's not in the directory when compiled by check50. If you need something from that file (e.g. #include <stdint.h> and typedef uint8_t BYTE;), copy it into your recover.c.
Blauelf's user avatar
  • 21k
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valgrind() causing IDE to shut down

The result of the comment discussion as an answer. I still have no idea why the IDE would time out, I am guessing valgrind had a hell of a job counting all the occasions where you read from ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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I am ABSOLUTELY STUCK! (mario less)

You can check your own style by running style50 mario.c You can see the tests used for grading by clicking the check50 button next to your submission on With both of those ...
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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It doesn't work?!!! (Mario less)

The errors are self explanatory. The code accepts 0 as a valid input, it should reject it. In all the pyramids that the code prints, the first line has two #'s. There should be only one. Is it ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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I need help with cash - again

Cut and paste error. What is the value of a dime? A nickel? A penny? I'm sure it isn't 25 cents each! ;-) When you get to the point that you're not seeing the forest for the trees, as is the ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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I need help. (pset 1 - cash) I don't get this!

Why does the code increment the amount of change, i, each time it subtracts the value of a coin from it? You should be using a separate variable to track the number of coins.
Cliff B's user avatar
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How to print out hashes in mario(less comfortable)? (2019)

You assign the height to variable i, and on the next line you overwrite it with 0, throwing away the user input. Make the row counter a different variable, and name your variables according to their ...
Blauelf's user avatar
  • 21k
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pset6 bleep: Problem with difference between list and string

Firstly, the method split returns a list; and as per the line inputList = [input.split()] your're enclosing the returned list within another which yields the nested list. Secondly, you might want to ...
Ashen Gunaratne's user avatar
1 vote

Adding a code block to perform operations on float

So you decided to make some functions, why not. The function definition would be like return_type function_name(param1_type param1_name, param2_type param2_name, ...) { // body of the function } ...
Blauelf's user avatar
  • 21k
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Problems with check50 for pset2 caesar 2019

Answer 1: This is the proper way from the pset page check50 cs50/2018/x/caesar but we are now in 2019 check50 cs50/2019/x/caesar Caeser Pset Page Answer 2: In the picture it shows that you just ...
myckhel's user avatar
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CS50 Finance/pset8 2019 /check

Perhaps revisit the Words example in Lecture 7, which does something similarly using javascript. In that Words example: The Python code in ...
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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pset6 python bleep

The block of code that needs to be changed is as mentioned below after the line 15: save the file name from the command line argument into a variable called banned_text banned_text = argv[1] ...
Sridevi K S's user avatar

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